
Showing posts from October, 2023

CHATGPT Master Class

  MASTERING CHATGPT | FROM ZERO TO HERO I learned about this through an Instagram account that I follow.  It’s really hard to not be curious about things like this.  I am too curious of a person to just ignore or pay little heed to the fact that there is now such a thing as artificial intelligence that can converse with us, answer questions, and provide us with information in such an amazing, thorough, and surprisingly intelligent way.  It is amazing not only in regard to what it can produce, but also for its’ capability to reply so rapidly.

Cold Front

  We are getting our first cold, or rather cool, front this fall.  It is currently 56° here.  I love when we have weather like this here and it feels more seasonal!  Having temperatures in the 50s is a rare treat.  Unfortunately, it never lasts very long.  At least this year the kids will be able to dress up for Halloween and not be hot.  I don’t like bitter cold, but I do love the cooler seasons.  Maybe someday I will be the opposite of a winter Texan and head north for colder weather.  🧊❄️🧊 We do have deer here but not snow.  It supposedly snows once every 100 years here.  It has happened once since I have been living in Texas but of course it didn’t last and melted very quickly.  I used my phones microphone to write this post. 😁


I just figured out today that a microphone is part of my iPhones keyboard.  Before today, I thought that I could only use a microphone if it was a feature of an app or site.  It’s not rocket science, but it took me forever to figure this out.  🫨  Now if I am very unsure of a word’s spelling and I am not even close enough to be given a suggestion, I just use the microphone instead of having to open a new page to look it up.  I guess there are just too many things to figure out in life these days to not miss stuff. 😧

The Pink Panther

 Pink.  He was the man.  He was pink.  He was clever and cool.  What more could a girl want in a cartoon character? 💕🩷 Pink Panther was always my choice when I was allowed to get a t-shirt with a heat pressed decal in the gift shops in Provincetown a.k.a. Ptown MA.  Province Town harbor is were the pilgrims first landed.  

Listening Cell Phones

 I’m sure most people by now have had the experience of having a conversation with someone within the vicinity of their cell phones, and then shortly thereafter seeing advertisements on social media for something that they had talked about.  I had one experience that I will never forget a few years back.  I had been in my garage by myself, and I was organizing stuff that I have stored there and I was also organizing books on my book shelves. (Yes, my bookshelves are in the garage.) At one point, I came across some old issues from a magazine called Reminisce.  I of course got distracted and started looking at them.  Later on, when I was back in the house, I was logged onto my Facebook account, and there was an advertisement for Reminisce magazine!  This really surprised me because I had been alone in my garage, and I had only looked at my magazines and I hadn’t done any search for the magazines online.  I seriously thought it must be a coincidence until...

Spirit of Halloween

 I found my decorating motivation last night and today even though I will soon have to swap everything out for the next holidays.  I’m told that my Halloween witch that I thought was cute, is creepy.  She’s staying.  Halloween is supposed to be filled with things that are creepy and tasty.  I wonder if anyone will notice my added Dollar Tree decoration with Nerds candy in it?


My thought for myself on intuition.  Don’t blow it off because it often has helpful messages.  A way of identifying an intuition is that it is a thought or feeling that we suddenly receive, and feel that we should trust or believe without any other information or explanation being required.

Dinosaur Poop

  One of these days my family will think that I have gone off the deep end, but at that point what will it matter anyway? 😂 For some reason I started thinking, last night, about a program that I once watched on television.    I don’t know how my thoughts led me to this, but anyway, here I am.    I don’t remember the whole program, but in the show, which was about real life stories, there was an auction that was going to take place and one of the things that was going to be auctioned off was a supposedly genuine fossilized piece of dinosaur poop a.k.a. coprolite.  Now I am not a fossil or dinosaur expert, but if a genuine fossilized piece of dinosaur poop was available to be auctioned off, that would be a remarkable thing.    When the poop was put up for bidding though, there was far less interest than I would have expected.    So the burning questions are: Was the dinosaur poop fossil genuine?    I don’t remember who the dino ...

Free Starbucks

  This has happened twice now.  My daughter wants to go to Starbucks and then when we pull up to get her order, the person at the window asks me if I want something that was accidentally made or not picked up that will just have to be thrown away.  Tonight it is iced mocha coffee. 😂 I think I’m going to be up late tonight.

The Fabric Of Reality

 Reality is like a fabric where many many fibers are woven together to create an existing cloth.  We all have many fibers that are incorporated into the fabric of the reality of which we are a part.  Unlike physical fabrics, though, the weaving of reality is an ongoing and ever changing thing, almost as though it were a living tissue that can transform itself for better and for worse.  We should all seek to be healthy tissue so our fibers, for as long as they last, can contribute to the weaving of a strong, beautiful and comfortable cloth of reality. I did not get that from any artificial intelligence “natural language processing”.  However much sense it does or doesn’t make, I thought of it myself using my own fabricated thinking.  Ha ha, fabric. But wasn’t I just saying and thinking that I thought that higher powers can have a hand in the design of my, or our, human stories and perceptions and that they can inject a sense of humor also?  Maybe they d...

USS Enterprise & Ramblings

 The thought just occurred to me that it is quite ironic that the real life version of Captain James T. Kirk, a.k.a. William Shatner, seemed to really not enjoy the experience of being in space. 🤭 Telephones lead me to think about this but I don’t recall how I got from A to B.  Oh, now I remember.  I was thinking about how a person could hypothetically only stuff a limited amount of papers or photos or whatnot into an old fashioned telephone but this isn’t the case with 21st century phones because stuff turned into data does not require a lot of physical space.  There was an Android known as Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation.  How cute. 😄  My first smart phone was an Android which was a silly choice, not that there is anything wrong with the notion of android per se.  Thinking about physical space and information data led me to thinking about outer space and Data and Captain Kirk and William Shatner in space. #spacethefinalfrontier I just rememb...

Misplacing Things

  Misplacing things seems to be my claim to fame recently.  I was just searching through a bunch of random notebooks, note pads and papers looking for something, and then I remembered that I had moved and saved what I was looking for onto notes on my phone.  Leave it to the 21st Century for a person to be able to misplace things from the physical world into their telephone.  😂


 Technology is amazing but it can still be frustrating when sometimes things work and sometimes they don’t.  An  example would be saving a photo from my phone messages to my iPhone camera roll photos.  Sometimes when I tap on “save photo”, it does what it is supposed to do, and other times it just won’t respond and doesn’t work.  There are plenty of other examples like trying to get “select all” to show up when I want to copy and paste something.  Sometimes the option will appear and sometimes it won’t.  And then today, I was trying to reset my password for a website using my laptop and it would not work, so I tried to do this using my phone instead and it worked perfectly fine.  I guess for whatever reason these things can still be really buggy. 🤷‍♀️

Strangely Altered Photos

I’m not going to write this story tonight but it is something crazy that I have no explanation for.  I’ll have to get back to it.   Okay, I will write it tonight and just keep the details short.  What happened is that a picture from my son’s photos, that he uploaded to social media, was somehow mysteriously altered to make his upper chest look extremely hairy.  How on earth could this have happened?  My son is not a werewolf.  I didn’t really believe that it was a possibility, but I asked my son if he had altered the photo, and he said, no.  He hadn’t even noticed what had happened.  I certainly did not do it, so how and why did this happen?!  Who would bother to do such a thing?  It doesn’t make any sense.  I need to find the photo of this that I saved.  I have another story about a photo of myself but I will get back to that one later.  Below is an unaltered photo of my son (on the right) along with his altered photo (on...


 Lechters is the other mall store that I was trying to think of earlier but couldn’t remember.  It wasn’t Linens n Things although that was an interesting store also.

Music Stores & Shopping Malls

 It is weird that music stores at some point became a thing of the past.  I would imagine that in some cities and perhaps some other places there are still used record shops that exist.  Large department stores like Walmart and Target also still have small sections with very limited amounts of vinyl records and CDs.  Barnes & Noble also still has a music and video section although I don’t know how much can actually be found there.  Gone are the days though of music stores that existed mainly just to sell new (as in current) but also older new albums and music in various forms such as cassettes, singles and then CDs.   Malls are much less interesting nowadays unless a person is all about fashion and appearance.  Okay you might still find stores like Spencer’s for young people, but gone are stores like The Nature Company, Discovery Channel Store, Linens n Things, KB toys, Wicks N Sticks, and different book stores (remember Walden books, Brentanos, B ...

The Higher Powers That Be

 Sometimes I think the higher powers (be they godly or artificial) like to make up funny and amusing jokes and stories using me as their Guinea Pig.  Ah ha ha.  “We will connect the dots of all of your stories and make them all have parallels and themes and they will also have built in funny or crazy alternate interpretations.”   It’s the stuff of intelligent design.  “Oops, did I say that?” It’s a good thing that I am not an academic person with any professional reputation to worry about.  I like to be free to be me.  I still think there is a way for free will (or natural selection in the case of evolution) and intelligent design to have a place of connection where neither is invalid.  Sounds like magical thinking but if it leads one on an easy road to expanded awareness and intelligent understanding of things, who wouldn’t want to hop on the magical thinking bus. 😄 Magical thinking is interesting and quite amazing also. When a person has the ex...

Board Games And Young Children

 I was just reminiscing and remembering the days of attempting to play board games with my children when they were very young.  They begin with that unfortunate (for the parents 😂) stage where they are developmentally ready to understand and be into playing the game, but winning is an absolute must and they will be extremely upset if this doesn’t happen. 😲 My son once turned into an angry dinosaur when playing Dinosaur Monopoly.  Thank goodness for this just being a developmental phase. 😂 Now if I pull out a game, such as a Christmas trivia game on Christmas, my children will groan and say, “No please!  Do we really have to?”  Their father is the least pleased of all.  He says, “I’m always having to think and be smart.  I really don’t want to have to think anymore!” Hopefully I can talk them into it. 😁 What can I say?  I’m an information loving kind of person. 

Halloween Decorations

 I haven’t been motivated this year to put up all my Halloween decorations.  I have a few light up things and a few other things out but I still have a large storage container of stuff that I haven’t taken out.  Some years I am just more motivated than other years.  My favorite holiday to decorate for is Christmas. 


 I wonder what percentage of American households still have land lines (as they are now called).

A Silly Thought

 There was a time in the not too distant history of humanity that a person having feelings or delusions of being listened to by their phone would have been experiencing some kind of psychotic break.  Nowadays if a person was in denial that their phone listened to them to collect information about them and their conversations, this person would be the one whos’ thinking would not be considered to be consistent with reality.


 As human language evolves, grammar is going to have to evolve along with it.  How is that for simple.  #caniblamecaffeineformyproclamation

iPhone Emojis

I’m attached to my iPhone emojis but the one dissatisfaction that I have with them is that there are lot more human emotions and corresponding expressions that aren’t depicted by any of the emojis.  You just have to pick one that maybe feels similar.  I think I have complained to my family members on a couple of occasions about there not being enough iPhone emotion emojis and they don’t think I am making any sense. 🤭 They are all like, “What are you talking about.  There are so many!”   #needtogetalife #iwillneveractmyage Maybe I should start a list of missing emojis. 😂

Television Commercials

I’m so out of the loop with current television commercials.  Usually I want to avoid having to watch them like the plague, but it’s possible that a person could miss learning about new developments in technologies and so forth without ever watching any commercials.  I don’t win any awards for television viewing in my house.  I’m married to a grand champion, so I don’t stand any chance. 😂 And on the subject of commercials, the Freevee streaming channel subjects a person to a lot less of them than the Roku channel.   It’s funny to think about how things change over time.  The way things are, such as how people can view television, can see so many developments and changes.  With the world as it is today, I think that all sorts of things are going to keep changing faster than they ever have before in human history.  Technology wise, I sometimes think that we can’t be sure that the way certain things work today is the way that they will work tomorrow. On t...

The Queens Gambit

 I never finished watching the series, “The Queens Gambit”.  Hmm, since I’m thinking about it, maybe I should if I turn on the television some night and I’m not sure what to watch.  Knowing myself though, I will have to start from the beginning again because it has been quite a while since I started watching it.  


 Si is a Spanish word that I know.  Sometimes I astound myself with my amazing knowledge of the language.  (I am being sarcastic.) 😜 Maybe someday I will actually make it my goal to take advantage of where I live and try to learn the language.  I’ve forgotten the younger me who wanted to learn Spanish. 

Never Ending Revisions

 Sometimes when I set out to write about something, I seemingly can’t ever finish the job.  Every time I think I have written what I wanted to write and said what I wanted to say, new thoughts about it come into my head.  It really seems as if I am guided and led in this respect.  Whether I can credit it all to the functioning of my own mind and brain or whether I have some ability to mentally receive input from outside of myself, I can’t for certain say.  Whatever the case may be, my ongoing barrage of new thoughts render my task incomplete over and over and over.   And now that I have thought about writing and revisions, I feel the need and have begun to go back to reread everything that I have written here and make improvements where I see that improvements can be made. 😯 This is another task and not the project that I was previously referring to.  

The Past

 Sometimes it is not only the present but the past also that requires human attention. 

Self Motivation

 Self motivation is the only means by which I really operate well.

Movie Recommendations

I asked Storyteller AI for suggestions of some magical movies to watch and these are the recommendations that I received.

An Owl Walks Into A Bar

 I remember years ago when “fill in the blank” walks into a bar jokes were popular. 😂 I like to ask Chat AI for jokes sometimes, but you have to ask for something specific or it will most likely default to its scarecrow, atom, or blushing tomato joke.  I asked for “an owl walks into a bar” joke and got more of a tale. I had to ask for “a mushroom walks into bar” joke also.  Okay, that was a ridiculous post but sometimes we can’t be all serious in life. 🥸

Coffee Lover’s Horror

 A horror to many coffee lovers would be decaffeinated store brand instant coffee with added powdered non dairy creamer. 😂  I remember my maternal grandmother always wanted her Sanka coffee after meals and she was “quite satisfied” with it. She probably put saccharine in it also. 😜 I did make myself a cup of this coffee but I used Splenda and not saccharine. 😂 The coffee in the cup in this photo looks like a solar eclipse.  I once made a cup of coffee that had a perfect smiley face in it.  Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture of it which is too bad because how often does coffee smile? 😁  I had a dog who loved coffee and she would drink it all up if somebody left a cup where she could reach it. 😂

Opportunities For Learning

 As human beings we often don’t appreciate all of our opportunities for learning until they have already passed us by.  It seems ironic that we require hindsight to be able to experience the right appreciation for things.  It seems that life is not designed with ease of experience in mind.  It is like we are all pioneers having to blaze our own trails for ourselves in order to better understand who we want to be, what we want to be capable of, where we want to go and how we should get there. Wow, that had a negative tone didn’t it?  Maybe a better attitude is that we can learn to appreciate and embrace all of life’s opportunities for learning.  Maybe we can learn to have eyes and ears and minds that can receive helpful messages in a more timely manner.

Being Personally Affected

 It is usually not until a person becomes personally affected by something that they can learn and truly understand what the experiences and realities are like for others.  Unless maybe people are willing to really listen to others. 

Solar Eclipse

I wish my phone camera could capture what I can now see with my solar eclipse glasses.  The sun looks like a thin crescent but nonetheless it still casts enough light here to make the daylight seem pretty close to normal.  Thirteen minutes to go until it reaches its’ peak at this location. The sun is a little crescent moon but even so, there is no lack of daylight.  You have to visit and an eclipse path of totality to witness the day become night.  In a path of totality it doesn’t get completely dark.  You can still see clouds and it looks just like the night sky if you live in a more city like area where there is artificial lighting outside during the night that keeps the sky a little illuminated.  Oops, I’ve been looking up without glasses.  We have had a lot of clouds but I managed to take some pictures through my solar glasses during the breaks from clouds and even when it was shining through the clouds.  I even managed to get a couple that ca...

Revelation of a 17th Century Man

 “These are not savages.  These are intelligent men no different than ourselves.”  This would be a revelation of a 17th century man ahead of his time in his capacity to recognize the humanity and intelligence of those regarded as inferior others.  He would of course have needed to have had some kind of personal experience or connection with the Native Americans,  It is really unfortunate that such an idea was so lacking through so much of American history and is still not completely a thing of the past, to this very day, even if others aren’t regarded as wild savages. I just the other day watched another program about 17 century pre American life in colonial America.  I guess this is what has me thinking about 17th century minds.

Lost Glasses

 I have a real talent for putting down and then not being able to find pairs of glasses.  Right now my reading glasses have seemingly vanished. 😧 It’s a good thing that my eyes are stuck in my head or I would surely lose them in the dark! 😱 I found them on the floor in the morning and I never even heard them drop probably because I had headphones in my ears. 

Solar Eclipse

Today is solar eclipse day.  We won’t be within the path of annularity, in my part of Texas, so we won’t see the ring of fire but we are pretty close, so we will experience a good partial eclipse.  I traveled to Colombia Missouri in 2017 to be in the eclipse path of totality, and I hope to travel to another part of Texas next April, to be in a total eclipse path of totality one more time.  🌕🌑 😄

The Mystery Of Tuna Fish

  The mystery of tuna fish.  How is it that this fish that is sold in cans has the quality of being something other than fish?  You add some mayonnaise and celery and seasonings of one’s choice and presto, it’s not fish.  Or rather, I just don’t think I’m eating fish.  #tunaisdifferent

Canned Grapefruit

  I could never get myself to like canned grapefruit when I was younger.  Now I’m attached to it and always want to have a can on hand.  Even better is Del Monte Citrus Salad but that is a more rare find here.  I of course have to add a little sugar or Splenda. 😋

The Opinions Of Others

 We concern ourselves with the opinions that we think others might have about us, when in reality they care far less about whatever opinions they have of us than we do.  Who we ourselves are and what we ourselves are doing in our lives, is what most people are primarily concerned about. 

People’s Stories

 Imagine how much insight and greater understanding we would have of other people if we knew all the stories of their lives.  Or at least the more significant ones.  How eye opening it would be to not have illusions about the seeming easy and uncomplicated lives of others.  Life stories always have more depth than what those not quite close enough can see.  It makes me think about social media.  People have shared their understanding about it and how it makes (perhaps to young people in particular) it appear that others are living less stressful and more amazing lives because they are just showing a glamorous appearing edited version of their lives.  In reality people all live lives complete with their own unique challenges and complexities of human existence.


 It’s the part of America where Americans must remain until they pass through a checkpoint and are granted permission to enter the rest of America.

Ode To Cape Cod

Cape Cod is a peninsula island that has its own unique natural environment that has a feeling of sea proximity, sand, salt, surf, seagulls, sea grass, seaweed, sand dunes, sunshine, sea tides, sea air, sea shells, sand dollars, lighthouses, buoys, New England fisherman and seafood.  I don’t really know anything about writing odes 😂 but that is my personal description of and feeling about Cape Cod.  Appreciating Cape Cod is to have appreciation and love for the combination of all of these things. #undertheinfluenceofthriftstoretreasures I’d have to say that the squawking of seagulls and other New England seashore birds is what gives Cape Cod its’ distinctive sound environment.  Along with ocean waves at the coast of course. #birdsareimpotant Birds are an important part of the beauty of our planet.  I can’t imagine a world without birds in the sky.  I suppose this is because we human beings already have an attachment to their existence.  Something would defi...

Treasure’s Galore

Okay, I’m a little late but this is my treasure hunting tale from last week.  I had an appointment on one day and errands to do on the other so I ended up visiting my favorite thrift stores in search of treasure.  I even added an extra day. 😲 Well it turns out that last week held an abundance of treasure.   What are the odds at the bottom of Texas of finding two mugs and two shot glasses with each pair having one of Cape Cod and the other of Boston.  I swear I didn’t already have any of them.  I found all of them last week during my last thrift store visits.   My mother had this Christmas album and I played it when I was young.  The album I found was in excellent condition with no scratches. There was also just a ton of stuff that held special appeal to me.  I had to make choices. 😄 I love angels.  A trio is even better.  So many great things. There may have been a few more not pictured here. 😄 #youhadyourfunnowenjoythetreasuresyoualr...