Board Games And Young Children

 I was just reminiscing and remembering the days of attempting to play board games with my children when they were very young.  They begin with that unfortunate (for the parents 😂) stage where they are developmentally ready to understand and be into playing the game, but winning is an absolute must and they will be extremely upset if this doesn’t happen. 😲 My son once turned into an angry dinosaur when playing Dinosaur Monopoly.  Thank goodness for this just being a developmental phase. 😂 Now if I pull out a game, such as a Christmas trivia game on Christmas, my children will groan and say, “No please!  Do we really have to?”  Their father is the least pleased of all.  He says, “I’m always having to think and be smart.  I really don’t want to have to think anymore!”

Hopefully I can talk them into it. 😁 What can I say?  I’m an information loving kind of person. 


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