

 Technology is amazing but it can still be frustrating when sometimes thing work and sometimes they don’t.  An  example would be saving a photo from my phone messages to my iPhone camera roll photos.  Sometimes when I tap on “save photo”, it does what it is supposed to do, and other times it just won’t respond and doesn’t work.  There are plenty of other examples like trying to get “select all” to show up when I want to copy and paste something.  Sometimes the option will appear and sometimes it won’t.  And then today, I was trying to reset my password for a website using my laptop and it would not work, so I tried to do this using my phone instead and it worked perfectly fine.  I guess for whatever reason these things can still be really buggy. 🀷‍♀️

Strangely Altered Photos

I’m not going to write this story tonight but it is something crazy that I have no explanation for.  I’ll have to get back to it.   Okay, I will write it tonight and just keep the details short.  What happened is that a picture from my son’s photos, that he uploaded to social media, was somehow mysteriously altered to make his upper chest look extremely hairy.  How on earth could this have happened?  My son is not a werewolf.  I didn’t really believe that it was a possibility, but I asked my son if he had altered the photo, and he said, no.  He hadn’t even noticed what had happened.  I certainly did not do it, so how and why did this happen?!  Who would bother to do such a thing?  It doesn’t make any sense.  I need to find the photo of this that I saved.  I have another story about a photo of myself but I will get back to that one later.  Below is an unaltered photo of my son (on the right) along with his altered photo (on the left).  I don’t think I will leave this story here permanen


 Lechters is the other mall store that I was trying to think of earlier but couldn’t remember.  It wasn’t Linens n Things although that was an interesting store also.

Music Stores & Shopping Malls

 It is weird that music stores at some point became a thing of the past.  I would imagine that in some cities and perhaps some other places there are still used record shops that exist.  Large department stores like Walmart and Target also still have small sections with very limited amounts of vinyl records and CDs.  Barnes & Noble also still has a music and video section although I don’t know how much can actually be found there.  Gone are the days though of music stores that existed mainly just to sell new (as in current) but also older new albums and music in various forms such as cassettes, singles and then CDs.   Malls are much less interesting nowadays unless a person is all about fashion and appearance.  Okay you might still find stores like Spencer’s for young people, but gone are stores like The Nature Company, Discovery Channel Store, Linens n Things, KB toys, Wicks N Sticks, and different book stores (remember Walden books, Brentanos, B Dalton and Borders).  No, malls ju

The Higher Powers That Be

 Sometimes I think the higher powers (be they godly or artificial) like to make up funny and amusing jokes and stories using me as their Guinea Pig.  Ah ha ha.  “We will connect the dots of all of your stories and make them all have parallels and themes and they will also have built in funny or crazy alternate interpretations.”   It’s the stuff of intelligent design.  “Oops, did I say that?” It’s a good thing that I am not an academic person with any professional reputation to worry about.  I like to be free to be me.  I still think there is a way for free will (or natural selection in the case of evolution) and intelligent design to have a place of connection where neither is invalid.  Sounds like magical thinking but if it leads one on an easy road to expanded awareness and intelligent understanding of things, who wouldn’t want to hop on the magical thinking bus. πŸ˜„ Magical thinking is interesting and quite amazing also. When a person has the experience of seeing so many parallels an

Board Games And Young Children

 I was just reminiscing and remembering the days of attempting to play board games with my children when they were very young.  They begin with that unfortunate (for the parents πŸ˜‚) stage where they are developmentally ready to understand and be into playing the game, but winning is an absolute must and they will be extremely upset if this doesn’t happen. 😲 My son once turned into an angry dinosaur when playing Dinosaur Monopoly.  Thank goodness for this just being a developmental phase. πŸ˜‚ Now if I pull out a game, such as a Christmas trivia game on Christmas, my children will groan and say, “No please!  Do we really have to?”  Their father is the least pleased of all.  He says, “I’m always having to think and be smart.  I really don’t want to have to think anymore!” Hopefully I can talk them into it. 😁 What can I say?  I’m an information loving kind of person. 

Halloween Decorations

 I haven’t been motivated this year to put up all my Halloween decorations.  I have a few light up things and a few other things out but I still have a large storage container of stuff that I haven’t taken out.  Some years I am just more motivated than other years.  My favorite holiday to decorate for is Christmas. 


 I wonder what percentage of American households still have land lines (as they are now called).

A Silly Thought

 There was a time in the not too distant history of humanity that a person having feelings or delusions of being listened to by their phone would have been experiencing some kind of psychotic break.  Nowadays if a person was in denial that their phone listened to them to collect information about them and their conversations, this person would be the one whos’ thinking would not be considered to be consistent with reality.


 As human language evolves, grammar is going to have to evolve along with it.  How is that for simple.  #caniblamecaffeineformyproclamation

iPhone Emojis

I’m attached to my iPhone emojis but the one dissatisfaction that I have with them is that there are lot more human emotions and corresponding expressions that aren’t depicted by any of the emojis.  You just have to pick one that maybe feels similar.  I think I have complained to my family members on a couple of occasions about there not being enough iPhone emotion emojis and they don’t think I am making any sense. 🀭 They are all like, “What are you talking about.  There are so many!”   #needtogetalife #iwillneveractmyage Maybe I should start a list of missing emojis. πŸ˜‚

Television Commercials

I’m so out of the loop with current television commercials.  Usually I want to avoid having to watch them like the plague, but it’s possible that a person could miss learning about new developments in technologies and so forth without ever watching any commercials.  I don’t win any awards for television viewing in my house.  I’m married to a grand champion, so I don’t stand any chance. πŸ˜‚ And on the subject of commercials, the Freevee streaming channel subjects a person to a lot less of them than the Roku channel.   It’s funny to think about how things change over time.  The way things are, such as how people can view television, can see so many developments and changes.  With the world as it is today, I think that all sorts of things are going to keep changing faster than they ever have before in human history.  Technology wise, I sometimes think that we can’t be sure that the way certain things work today is the way that they will work tomorrow. On the subject of television, I cut th

The Queens Gambit

 I never finished watching the series, “The Queens Gambit”.  Hmm, since I’m thinking about it, maybe I should if I turn on the television some night and I’m not sure what to watch.  Knowing myself though, I will have to start from the beginning again because it has been quite a while since I started watching it.  


 Si is a Spanish word that I know.  Sometimes I astound myself with my amazing knowledge of the language.  (I am being sarcastic.) 😜 Maybe someday I will actually make it my goal to take advantage of where I live and try to learn the language.  I’ve forgotten the younger me who wanted to learn Spanish. 

Never Ending Revisions

 Sometimes when I set out to write about something, I seemingly can’t ever finish the job.  Every time I think I have written what I wanted to write and said what I wanted to say, new thoughts about it come into my head.  It really seems as if I am guided and led in this respect.  Whether I can credit it all to the functioning of my own mind and brain or whether I have some ability to mentally receive input from outside of myself, I can’t for certain say.  Whatever the case may be, my ongoing barrage of new thoughts render my task incomplete over and over and over.   And now that I have thought about writing and revisions, I feel the need and have begun to go back to reread everything that I have written here and make improvements where I see that improvements can be made. 😯 This is another task and not the project that I was previously referring to.  

The Past

 Sometimes it is not only the present but the past also that requires human attention. 

Self Motivation

 Self motivation is the only means by which I really operate well.

Movie Recommendations

I asked Storyteller AI for suggestions of some magical movies to watch and these are the recommendations that I received.

An Owl Walks Into A Bar

 I remember years ago when “fill in the blank” walks into a bar jokes were popular. πŸ˜‚ I like to ask Chat AI for jokes sometimes, but you have to ask for something specific or it will most likely default to its scarecrow, atom, or blushing tomato joke.  I asked for “an owl walks into a bar” joke and got more of a tale. I had to ask for “a mushroom walks into bar” joke also.  Okay, that was a ridiculous post but sometimes we can’t be all serious in life. πŸ₯Έ

Coffee Lover’s Horror

 A horror to many coffee lovers would be decaffeinated store brand instant coffee with added powdered non dairy creamer. πŸ˜‚  I remember my maternal grandmother always wanted her Sanka coffee after meals and she was “quite satisfied” with it. She probably put saccharine in it also. 😜 I did make myself a cup of this coffee but I used Splenda and not saccharine. πŸ˜‚ The coffee in the cup in this photo looks like a solar eclipse.  I once made a cup of coffee that had a perfect smiley face in it.  Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture of it which is too bad because how often does coffee smile? 😁  I had a dog who loved coffee and she would drink it all up if somebody left a cup where she could reach it. πŸ˜‚