
The Olympics & Life’s Time

I don’t usually spend a lot of time watching the Olympics, either summer or winter, but this year I have been spending time in a hotel room, so I have been watching.  Gymnastics is one of the sports that I like to watch.  The last women’s team that really sticks out in my memory was the team called the “Magnificent Seven” with  Shannon Miller, Dominique Moceanu, Dominique Dawes, Kerri Strug, Amy Chow, Amanda Borden, and Jaycie Phelps .  I was really surprised, when I looked them up, to see that they are now all in their 40s!  I couldn’t believe that they were in the 1996 summer games which was 28 years ago!  That’s crazy.  I would have thought that they competed much more recently than that.  This makes me think about the fact that the past never seems as long ago in years as it actually is.  When time in the past is part of our own life experience, it doesn’t seem any less real than time that is more recent.  This is the way I feel anyway.  The thing that seems the most real about the



Phily In Houston

 He doesn’t care where he is as long as he is with his humans. 

That Moment When

 That moment when we learn that Vice President Kamala Harris has won the 2024 presidential election.  She is all smiles.  Imagine her knowing that she not only has a good chance at becoming the next president, but that she also has a good chance of being the first female president of the United States Of America.  Go Kamala Harris!  You can earn your nomination and become our next president! 😄🙏👏

American Soap Opera

 Truth is stranger than fiction.  In the year of our Lord 2024, the United States Of American has a convicted felon who also incited an attack on the nation’s capital and tried to overturn a democratic presidential election as the Republican nominee for this year’s presidential election.  Just before being officially nominated he survived an assassination attempt where the gunman’s bullet missed entering his head by 1/4 of an inch.  Shortly thereafter, the president of the United States, who was the presumptive Democratic nominee for this year‘s presidential election was pressured into dropping out of the race by his own party members because it was believed that he was on track to lose the election to his opponent due to his age and cognitive decline.  The pressing question now is what will it take for the Democratic Party to defeat the evil felon and keep him out of the White House and prevent him from causing further corruption and harm to our nations democracy.  Will the torch of t

My New System

 Instead of shoving things that I need to save into files, I am now going to save things in sheet protectors and notebooks. This way it will be much easier to flip through and find things and to see what I have and clean out stuff that I don’t need anymore.  I am amazed myself with my brilliance. 😂 Or maybe I should say that it takes me long enough to figure things out, but I am glad whenever I do.  😁🤪

Oh My Christmas In July

 I always thought that Christmas in July was stupid.  I suppose it is a matter of attitude though.  One can think of it as a sneak preview of next Christmas without all the hustle and bustle of the real holiday season.  And especially this year, even cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies beat all the political stuff going on.  

Please Stop Being Jerks

 Here we go again.  Human beings at their finest. 😩 We can only hope that AI and robots will not view us all as the same.  Or maybe they will be smarter than us and never want to be like the worst in humanity.  Again we can only hope.

Interview Of President Biden

 I just watched the more complete version of Lester Holt’s interview of President Biden.  I may not be very educated or intelligent on matters of politics and all that goes on, but it is pretty easy to take note of very obvious things.  I completely agree with President Biden when he asked why it is that the media’s main focus after the debate has been on his performance during that particular debate and not on all the lies that were told by Donald Trump during the same debate.  Why is this?  Why did the media not focus on the issues and what was said or not said by both candidates?? And then there is the glaringly obvious difference between Biden and Trump.  Everyone is afraid of Donald Trump and this is not true of President Biden.  When Donald Trump holds power, it is very rare for his party members to denounce him or question his fitness as their nominee for the office of the presidency out of fear of the repercussions of not being aligned with and supportive of him.  By contrast P


 There are some images that I never forget that periodically come to my mind.  This is one of those images.   I have been working a little trying to clean out my phone’s camera roll because it contains over 8000 images.  I came across this image from 2018 that I had felt that I should save.  It was really seared into my brain.  No mother and her children should ever be living in and going through an experience like this.  Not only are they in a terrible situation, but both little girls have no pants, one has nothing on her feet at all, and the mother evidently had to wear children’s clothing that was too small for her because she probably just had to take whatever she could get.  I don’t know what the answers are to all of the world’s problems but we need a president who has empathy for other human beings and doesn’t do things to make their very difficult situations even worse. 


 If I Fits, I Sits

American Voters

 I guess I was wrong.  I previously thought that there was no way in hell that the American people as a whole would ever reelect Donald Trump to be our country’s president.  I believed that certainly after everything that took place during Trump’s presidential term, and particularly following the 2020 election, the vast majority of people would be much wiser than to ever make this mistake again.  I never thought that it could be possible that Trump could have any real chance to be elected again.  I am honestly shocked that there is seemingly nothing that he can do that will convince so many American citizens that having him again as our nations commander-in-chief would be a downright crazy and extremely bad idea.  I am honestly sickened at the thought that the reelection of Donald Trump may be a very real possibility.  My mind is blown and not in a good way. I should not dwell on this any more though because worrying about what will happen next November will not make any difference at

Jumping Janitors

On the lighter side of things:  What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?Supplies!

Courses In Online Content

 I think education about online content is a subject area that needs to exist and be taught to students of all ages as well as adults.  This should really be required, particularly for children, teenagers, and college students.  There is so much misinformation, pseudoscience and agenda promoting content designed to target and influence specific groups of people. On top of this, I believe we are going to start seeing a lot of AI generated content if this is not already the case.  Children, teens, and people of all ages need to be educated and helped to understand how to evaluate content and discriminate between reputable sources of information versus that of people and sites that are self promoting their own misinformation.  There is literally so much that we all need to understand and have better comprehension of in regard to the vast amount of information in cyberspace and how we can be targeted and influenced by biased and inaccurate information, whether it be political, medical, soc

Gone North Beryl

 So hurricane or tropical storm Beryl, that we in the RGV were bracing for, has evidentially taken a significant course further north of us.  We have gone from, must prepare for a tropical storm or hurricane mode, to now being outside of the range of its path.  Well if my chest freezer clean out and conversion into an ice box has proved to be unnecessary, this is actually a good thing.  It’s actually quite preferable to have power and air conditioning in the summer in South Texas.  I learned in 2020 though how to really prepare for a days long loss of power.  Must have ice!  And a battery operated fan and a means of charging cell phones and candle and battery powered light.  And of course water!  We are now well stocked with bottled water.  We fortunately never lost access to our water in our July 2020 hurricane. Wait.  Am I exaggerating there being a certainty of escape for our area from the cone of Beryl?  I have no idea.  I guess I was looking at how far the center line has moved.  

A Political Lowpoint

 I think I can hear the thoughts of the people of generations and even centuries into the future.  They will study or reflect back on our time and  think, “Oh yes, that is the time when America’s Democracy was really being put to a test of its strength and fitness. The future of America lay in the hands of the American voters.” And then they will say, ”Go America!  You shall not faulter.”

A Ferocious Feline

 Just a little while ago, I looked up and noticed that I was being stalked by a ferocious feline.   Orange cats are special all right.  Too bad I didn’t capture a stalking image.  When I suddenly experience him being attached to me by his claws, he is a shitten.  I guess this is a little “Teach your orange kitten not to be a shitten” phase.   The rest of the time when he is not being a shitten, he is the sweetest and most cuddly little kitten. ❤️ I found this on Instagram. LOL

1st Presidential Debate

 I don’t have much to say about the 1st presidential debate nor do I want to say much about the 1st presidential debate.  I have just a few brief thoughts.  First I think that the decision to cut off the microphones when it wasn’t a candidate’s time to speak was a very wise move.  We all know what would have happened if that wasn’t the case.  Second I don’t care if Joe Biden is showing his age and may be slow at times.  No matter what is the case or what happens, he is far far less of a threat to our nation than his opponent and this is what it boils down to.  I almost forgot to mention that I don’t really understand why the debate took place before the candidates have even been officially nominated.  There was so much objection to the press calling the outcome of the last election before it was official, and now a debate took place before the candidate’s nominations were even official.  Anyway, I watched some of the commentary after the debate but ended up shutting it off because I re

The New Public Health Threat

 I saw the story about the US Surgeon General declaring gunshot violence to be a public health threat in the United States.  This time the threat is not from a microscopic microbial source but from the serious epidemic of gunshot violence that is taking place in our nation.  It is with alarming and frequent regularity that these incidents are taking place and taking the lives of American citizens and also visitors to our country.  Imagine people from other countries being scared to death at the thought of visiting the United States because our occurrence of gunman shooting episodes has reached epidemic proportions.  I’m sure that they can better grasp this reality than so many Americans who fail to comprehend that the situation is out of control and that we Americans should all take it more seriously and be scared to death also.  For each of us, it coul

I Never Knew

 I never knew until this year what is the best way to eat a kiwi.  I always liked kiwis, but I never bought them because I thought it was too much of a pain to remove the skin, and you also end up losing too much of the kiwi in attempting to remove all of the thick skin.  Well, I just learned this year that the best way to eat a kiwi is to simply cut it in half and eat it by scooping it out of each half with a spoon as you eat it. This works great.  The kiwi just needs to be ripe enough for it to be easily scooped out.  It is possible to use the spoon to scrape the kiwi all the way to the edges of the skin and waste none.  This just goes to show that we are never too old to learn new things and become wiser.  I would certainly hope that this is true because we all have much to learn no matter what age we are.