American Soap Opera

 Truth is stranger than fiction.  In the year of our Lord 2024, the United States Of American has a convicted felon who also incited an attack on the nation’s capital and tried to overturn a democratic presidential election as the Republican nominee for this year’s presidential election.  Just before being officially nominated he survived an assassination attempt where the gunman’s bullet missed entering his head by 1/4 of an inch.  Shortly thereafter, the president of the United States, who was the presumptive Democratic nominee for this year‘s presidential election was pressured into dropping out of the race by his own party members because it was believed that he was on track to lose the election to his opponent due to his age and cognitive decline.  The pressing question now is what will it take for the Democratic Party to defeat the evil felon and keep him out of the White House and prevent him from causing further corruption and harm to our nations democracy.  Will the torch of this responsibility and immensely important challenge be passed to our female vice president or will it be decided that a man is necessary to achieve this end?  We will all have to stayed tuned for the next episode of  “As The Nation Turns” the American political reality saga. 

Can the events of this election year become any more crazy?


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