1st Presidential Debate

 I don’t have much to say about the 1st presidential debate nor do I want to say much about the 1st presidential debate.  I have just a few brief thoughts.  First I think that the decision to cut off the microphones when it wasn’t a candidate’s time to speak was a very wise move.  We all know what would have happened if that wasn’t the case.  Second I don’t care if Joe Biden is showing his age and may be slow at times.  No matter what is the case or what happens, he is far far less of a threat to our nation than his opponent and this is what it boils down to.  I almost forgot to mention that I don’t really understand why the debate took place before the candidates have even been officially nominated.  There was so much objection to the press calling the outcome of the last election before it was official, and now a debate took place before the candidate’s nominations were even official.  Anyway, I watched some of the commentary after the debate but ended up shutting it off because I realized that I don’t really want to listen to any of it.   I wish that we could just fast forward to next November and be done with it all.  At least the election part anyway.

In hindsight:  As it has turned out, this debate taking place before the candidates were officially nominated turned out to be a very important thing.  It was this debate that led members of the Democratic Party to realize that due to his age and Declining cognitive abilities, President Biden would not be able to win the upcoming presidential election.  It was this debate that led them to take action to encourage Mr. Biden to step down so that a new candidate could instead be nominated.  The Democrats were very lucky.  They had as their leader, a good man, though for whom it must have been very emotionally difficult did heed their request and advice and put the future of his country and the American Democracy first.  The Republicans on the other hand have not been so lucky.  Denouncing their candidate as being unfit to win the election or fulfill the responsibilities of the office of the presidency, has been something that they could never dare to attempt out of fear of serious and devastating retribution from Mr. Trump, and also his supporters. 


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