Courses In Online Content

 I think education about online content is a subject area that needs to exist and be taught to students of all ages as well as adults.  This should really be required, particularly for children, teenagers, and college students.  There is so much misinformation, pseudoscience and agenda promoting content designed to target and influence specific groups of people. On top of this, I believe we are going to start seeing a lot of AI generated content if this is not already the case.  Children, teens, and people of all ages need to be educated and helped to understand how to evaluate content and discriminate between reputable sources of information versus that of people and sites that are self promoting their own misinformation.  There is literally so much that we all need to understand and have better comprehension of in regard to the vast amount of information in cyberspace and how we can be targeted and influenced by biased and inaccurate information, whether it be political, medical, social or information of any other kind.  It is no wonder that human beings find themselves confused and struggling to find clarity and helpful knowledge and guidance in such a vast sea of information and misinformation.  If there were peer reviewed and recommended academic courses on these topics, I would definitely sign up and take them.  It would also be great if education on these matters was offered as a public service to communities through means such as free courses or events at public libraries or other adult education programs.  

This is just something that I find myself thinking about today.


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