
Trump Tweet

 Good grief, I just found myself thinking about a tweet that Mr. Trump made during his presidency, in regard to Stormy Daniels.  In his presidential tweet from his presidential Twitter account, he called Stormy Daniels dogface.  I read this tweet myself.  Mr. Trump’s behavior is so far removed from presidential it is almost comical.  I followed him and his tweeting on Twitter and wow.  He had no care or concern about representing himself well as the president of the United States.   If Mr. Trump accepts his nomination and is in fact able to run again as the Republican candidate for the office of the presidency and if he doesn’t win again, will there be a take two of allegations of there having been a rigged and stolen election?   If I have to go with my instinctive feeling about what will take place, I do not believe that he is going to run again for the presidency.  Or maybe this is wishful thinking.  I could be completely wrong, but I can’t believe that anything that ludicrous will h

Added Information

 I think I was kidding myself when I said that I wasn’t going to bother to go back to edit and add more thoughts and information to things I have previously written.  I’m a backtracker and I believe in the value of reviewing things.  

Meme Themes & Other Mysteries

 When I ask the deep art app to generate memes, there are themes that are often repeated.  One of the top themes is quantum physics.  Another one that I have noticed is existential crisis.  I don’t really understand what this is.  I think I looked it up once, but I still don’t understand.  The definition seemed too general if I remember correctly.  I always had the idea that it was some kind of spiritual thing that happens when people reach a certain level of enlightenment.  Maybe it’s about questioning the meaning of things.  Or maybe it’s about questioning oneself.  I’m not sure, but the AI memes that I have been requesting and looking at, have me thinking about this. I just had a thought come into my head.  When I was very young, my mother called me the, “How come?” kid.  I evidently drove her a bit nuts when I constantly had to ask questions about everything in the stories that she would read to me.  I’m afraid I haven’t changed.  If a mystery presents itself to me, I will have to

Unkind Words

 I had a thought earlier today.  Wouldn’t it be great if every time people intentionally spoke mean and unkind words to others, witnesses would remind them that unkind words are a reflection of the person speaking them and not the person spoken to! 

Something Really Cool

I just recently became aware of something very cool that can be done with an iPhone.  There is also something really cool that can be done with an iPhone that I have known about for quite a while now.  I will start with what I have known for a while.  If you take a screenshot of text from anywhere online, you can then, at any time, go into your photos and copy text from that photo to paste it somewhere else.  What I just discovered recently is that this also works with text offline that is photographed.  For example, you can take a picture of a page from a book or magazine and then go into your photos and copy text from that photo.  The iPhone is finicky though when doing this.  The page that is photographed needs to be flat, in bright light and not taken with the text at an angle or with the cell phone camera capturing the image at an angle.  When these conditions are met, it does work which I find to be really amazing!   This page from AARP magazine was too complex to copy all of the

Best Son

 Flowers from my son and his girlfriend.  I do have the best son. 💕 😄

Heart Update

 I was admitted to the hospital after having to go to the ER for another angina attack.  My doctor did another cardiac catheterization.  I didn’t need a stent because my heart blockage is not severe enough.  What I have been experiencing is vasospastic angina which is also known as variant angina or prinzmetal angina.  I need the right medications to prevent this from happening again.  I had another vasospastic angina attack during my cardiac catheterization so my doctor saw exactly what has been happening.  I had spasms in a few different places and my doctor told me that she saw my artery become pinched closed by 90% in one spot.  It felt the same as the attack that sent me to the ER.  Between being given nitroglycerin and another medication that I couldn’t tolerate, I had a really shitty time with having a bad headache.  The roommate that I had at the hospital was a 38 year old mother of 2 who had had a stroke.  Life is good at throwing crazy unexpected curve balls at people. 😟 


 The first thing that I feel up to eating after being admitted to the hospital and having another cardiac procedure and then suffering a very unpleasant migraine.  My friend the banana. 

Slipping On A Human

 It took me a minute, but I guess this means that the banana slipped on the man.  I will give this an A+ for humor. 😂

Our Former President’s Criminal Trial

 I haven’t really been following the trial of our former president (I’m being polite) but I happened to click on a news piece about it.  I am afraid that our former president is experiencing a real dose of humility and reality.  One can only hope.  This has to be one of the craziest and most uncertain pre-presidential election periods there has ever been.  I think this time really is the modern human cambrian explosion of craziness. And “we the people” of 2024 have front row seats.  Wow.  Mr. Trump really is creating a legacy for himself whereby he will forever go down in history and be known as a president of significance. (And not in a flattering way.).  I have to wonder though who in the hell would actually want to be president when they are going to be hit with the nightmare of trying to figure out how to deal with and regulate AI. 😲  I’m surprised that my generated image request wasn’t rejected.  Oops, I forgot to specify that he was a former president.  (Ah, someone help. I’m ou

Still Stuck On Memes

No, toilet paper is to be appreciated. Wait.  People don’t use Bank Street Writer anymore? No Words. I don’t need to trick chickens but I do like knowledge. That’s beary good news. Younger humans would be just as mystified. 😄 That’s better.  They need to work on their punch lines. 🫢 Or maybe a human, such as myself, just wouldn’t understand. ??????????????????? Carpe Diem OK, let’s just both think what we want.  I don’t care if I was the 1st or 2nd or 500th Person to climb up the yarn. 😛 You can be first if you want.  I can relate.  I often open my phone to look at or look up something and end up clicking on and searching for various things that capture my attention and come to mind, and then I completely forget what I initially wanted to look at.  I will remember eventually, if it is important enough. 😅 Me looking at too much Ancestry stuff.   Yes it does and Hawaiian style pizza is delicious!  My family had plastic green plates like those when I was young. Please do share your re


 Earlier today, I found myself thinking about Scientology.  I remember that years ago, I watched the TV series “The Path” on Hulu.  After that, I watched (I don’t recall on what streaming service) “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath” with Leah Remini and Mike Rinder.  This program about Scientology had three seasons and was all about the practices of Scientology and the harm and abuse perpetrated by this cult religion.  It was eye-opening for sure.  I had never previously learned much about cult movements and cult religions, and it was shocking to me to think that such harmful organizations actually exist in the United States of America and that children are born into these cults.  I knew there were religions such as the Jehovah Witnesses and the Fundamentalist Latter-day Saints but I never really knew much about these abusive religions.  While watching the Leah Remini series, I realized that this organization was even worse and more harmful than the fictional movement of Meyer

And More Memes

Okay, I am now hooked on asking for memes because it is too interesting to see what the AI image generator will come up with next.  Everything that is developing with AI is really shocking and crazy but I can’t just go about life and be in the dark and pretend that it isn’t all real and taking place. Missing head. Well that is a bright perspective.  Uhm, okay. 🧐 No 7 Conspiracy theories  I shall spill no tea.                I’m slow and I like to backtrack. That and a whole bunch of other things. See, I’m showing you my teeth. Save, save, save! Acorn market