Trump Tweet

 Good grief, I just found myself thinking about a tweet that Mr. Trump made during his presidency, in regard to Stormy Daniels.  In his presidential tweet from his presidential Twitter account, he called Stormy Daniels dogface.  I read this tweet myself.  Mr. Trump’s behavior is so far removed from presidential it is almost comical.  I followed him and his tweeting on Twitter and wow.  He had no care or concern about representing himself well as the president of the United States.  

If Mr. Trump accepts his nomination and is in fact able to run again as the Republican candidate for the office of the presidency and if he doesn’t win again, will there be a take two of allegations of there having been a rigged and stolen election?  

If I have to go with my instinctive feeling about what will take place, I do not believe that he is going to run again for the presidency.  Or maybe this is wishful thinking.  I could be completely wrong, but I can’t believe that anything that ludicrous will happen.  Then again, I assume that a democracy upholding its own laws couldn’t prevent this from happening unless there was legal grounds for doing so.  What are the odds that he would decline his nomination?  Less than zero I suppose.


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