Heart Update

 I was admitted to the hospital after having to go to the ER for another angina attack.  My doctor did another cardiac catheterization.  I didn’t need a stent because my heart blockage is not severe enough.  What I have been experiencing is vasospastic angina which is also known as variant angina or prinzmetal angina.  I need the right medications to prevent this from happening again.  I had another vasospastic angina attack during my cardiac catheterization so my doctor saw exactly what has been happening.  I had spasms in a few different places and my doctor told me that she saw my artery become pinched closed by 90% in one spot.  It felt the same as the attack that sent me to the ER.  Between being given nitroglycerin and another medication that I couldn’t tolerate, I had a really shitty time with having a bad headache. 

The roommate that I had at the hospital was a 38 year old mother of 2 who had had a stroke.  Life is good at throwing crazy unexpected curve balls at people. 😟 


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