Something Really Cool

I just recently became aware of something very cool that can be done with an iPhone.  There is also something really cool that can be done with an iPhone that I have known about for quite a while now.  I will start with what I have known for a while.  If you take a screenshot of text from anywhere online, you can then, at any time, go into your photos and copy text from that photo to paste it somewhere else.  What I just discovered recently is that this also works with text offline that is photographed.  For example, you can take a picture of a page from a book or magazine and then go into your photos and copy text from that photo.  The iPhone is finicky though when doing this.  The page that is photographed needs to be flat, in bright light and not taken with the text at an angle or with the cell phone camera capturing the image at an angle.  When these conditions are met, it does work which I find to be really amazing!  

This page from AARP magazine was too complex to copy all of the text completely and accurately, but I copied a little bit to show how it works.

In the News Special Report


Medical cannabis is legal in 38 states, and gummy consumption is exploding. But is it safe and effective? Sometimes yes, sometimes no

Another thing that I just discovered tonight is that words from camera roll photos can be copied for pasting elsewhere even when the words are not typed text.  Evidently, as long as the iPhone recognizes that words are words it will still copy them.  Here is an example.  The image below is an AI generated image.  I saved this image to my phones camera roll.  Even though the words are not typed text, I am still able to copy them and paste them elsewhere.  Technology is becoming truly amazing.  I do not have an android Phone so I don’t know if these things also work with android phones.

Even owls need to to hit the books sonetimes!

  I don’t know why the text became so small and I don’t know why my typed text is now small also.  Even amazing technology still has bugs to be worked out.

I have to add that I was just able to copy text from a page from a book that I photographed even when the text in the image was not perfectly level.  I guess maybe good light is the most crucial factor for this to work.


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