Meme Themes & Other Mysteries

 When I ask the deep art app to generate memes, there are themes that are often repeated.  One of the top themes is quantum physics.  Another one that I have noticed is existential crisis.  I don’t really understand what this is.  I think I looked it up once, but I still don’t understand.  The definition seemed too general if I remember correctly.  I always had the idea that it was some kind of spiritual thing that happens when people reach a certain level of enlightenment.  Maybe it’s about questioning the meaning of things.  Or maybe it’s about questioning oneself.  I’m not sure, but the AI memes that I have been requesting and looking at, have me thinking about this.

I just had a thought come into my head.  When I was very young, my mother called me the, “How come?” kid.  I evidently drove her a bit nuts when I constantly had to ask questions about everything in the stories that she would read to me.  I’m afraid I haven’t changed.  If a mystery presents itself to me, I will have to delve into a search for an answer to the mystery.  

Here is one mystery that has me scratching my head.  What is this thing about the word delve.  I don’t really keep up with the online discussion and information sharing about AI but I did see that there has been discussion about AI use of the word delve and why this is somehow significant.  So why would AI use of that particular word be revealing of something of significance?  Well I also saw something about there being a belief that the word delve is an AI created word.  Come again?  I am 57 and the word delve has been a part of my vocabulary for as long as I can remember.  I am scratching my head and wondering if it could really be possible that members of a younger generation are completely unfamiliar with the word delve and therefore believe that they are suddenly seeing it because AI has created it and is using it as a new word in the English language.  Could a word really see such a decline in usage that it could be lost as a common knowledge vocabulary word in just one generation?  That seems crazy.  Yes, I know this is just a small sample of people and it doesn’t reveal anything about the statistical truth of this.  It’s still presents a mystery though.  I’m afraid I now feel the need to delve a little more into the mystery of the significance of the word delve.

I guess maybe I was a little off.  It seems that more people believe that seeing delve in written text is an indication that the text was created by GPT.  This along with other words that are frequently used by AI.

Third try.  I think maybe the idea is that students and other people are being very influenced and are choosing to incorporate into their own speech and writing words that are frequently used by AI.  Delve being one such word whose increased usage, by students in particular, has been noted. 

I’m sure I have done this plenty of times when I recognize descriptive words that can add a deeper level of understanding and means of thinking about and describing things, whether these words come from AI or other human beings.  It’s called learning.  We are all wired to recognized the value of words that enhance our ability to understand and describe things, are we not?  I don’t think being influenced by that which expands our consciousness, means that we are clueless puppets being manipulated.  I think it means that we are wired to recognize and want to incorporate into our own thoughts and vocabulary words that are a catalyst for deeper understanding.  We do this by choice even though it may be an influenced choice.

We are language learning models ourselves.  We choose to learn from intelligent words and descriptions.  Yes, I am in thinking too much mode.  I guess I have a knack for this.

Maybe the significance of the word delve is that despite the differing ideas about the meaning of its significance, what it represents is that we human beings are adapting ourselves to the idea that we will be influenced by, taught by and aided by the intelligence of artificial intelligence.  I don’t know why this is what I find myself thinking about other than it is evidently what I want to be thinking about. 




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