Our Former President’s Criminal Trial

 I haven’t really been following the trial of our former president but I happened to click on a news piece about it.  I am afraid that our former president is experiencing a real dose of humility and reality.  One can only hope.  This has to be one of the craziest and most uncertain pre-presidential election periods there has ever been.  I think this time in recent history is like a Cambrian explosion in human experience.  And “we the people” of recent decades leading up to and including this year, have had and continue to have front row seats to all the changes and chaos.  In regard to Mr. Trump, he really is creating a legacy for himself whereby he will forever go down in history and be known as a president of significance. (But not in a flattering way.)

Oops, I forgot to specify in my image prompt that the president I had in mind, would be a former president. 



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