Our Former President’s Criminal Trial

 I haven’t really been following the trial of our former president (I’m being polite) but I happened to click on a news piece about it.  I am afraid that our former president is experiencing a real dose of humility and reality.  One can only hope.  This has to be one of the craziest and most uncertain pre-presidential election periods there has ever been.  I think this time really is the modern human cambrian explosion of craziness. And “we the people” of 2024 have front row seats.  Wow.  Mr. Trump really is creating a legacy for himself whereby he will forever go down in history and be known as a president of significance. (And not in a flattering way.).  I have to wonder though who in the hell would actually want to be president when they are going to be hit with the nightmare of trying to figure out how to deal with and regulate AI. 😲 

I’m surprised that my generated image request wasn’t rejected.  Oops, I forgot to specify that he was a former president.  (Ah, someone help. I’m out of control with politeness.🫨)  Anyway, I think it’s a pretty good image despite it bearing little resemblance to our former president, Mr. Trump. (I’m being so polite again.😨).  That’s ok I think polite is good.



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