
Showing posts from August, 2024

Oh Where Oh Where Has My Silverware Gone?

 I never read this book and I am still befuddled by this.  A far greater and more frustrating enigma that I have encountered though, is “the case of the vanishing silverware”.  I have had so much silverware just disappear.  Update:  I shared the above image on on 8/31/24.  (The photo, taken that day, is also in my phone’s camera roll.)  The next day (early am) on the DeepArt app, I asked for a meme and received this.  This is not a coincidence.  I’m not even going to entertain the possibility that it is.  This one really takes the cake.

Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome

  I saw that this is what astronaut Sunita Williams is experiencing but there has been no update about her condition.  I can empathize with her plight of being stuck in a situation that is affecting her physical health and being helpless to get out of that situation.  That really sucks.  πŸ™ I somehow manage to not think too much about all the bad stuff taking place on planet earth, but for some reason these astronauts are really on my mind.  πŸ€·‍♀️ I guess it is because being in space is something that I contemplate with a sense of fearfulness.  Particularly when they go outside of their space crafts or space station and do their spacewalks.  Horror.

Christmas Carols

 I have had this little book of Christmas carols since I was a kid myself.  The price was $.39. 

J.D. Vance and the Doughnuts

 J.D. Vance and the Doughnuts.  That actually sounds like it could be a title for a cute story.  Anyway, I was just having a thought here about the JD Vance. doughnut shop story.  He seemed to be empathetic and considerate toward the employee who didn’t want to be seen or filmed but then he threw her under the bus in making her the spotlight of the his donut shop experience to shift the attention away from himself in the story. 

President Harris

I haven’t watched her interview yet, but this is the vibe that I am picking up on.   “Go to the future President Harris.  I feel like I have this intuitive knowing that you were meant for this position and you could even fly by the seat of your pants and do an amazing job and be a real president.  That last part was in no way meant to be condescending.  I meant that as a compliment because you are the only candidate who fits this job description and will do a wonderful job for our country.”   And there is one other reason why Kamala is the best.  “Girls rule and boys drool!”  There, it’s my turn to make myself immature and ridiculous.  πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€ͺ 

Life 101

 I picked this book up and started thinking that I should read it again.  I was thinking that it would be interesting to see how relatable it is and how much I agree with its contents at this point in my life as opposed to when I was a college student and originally read it.  I have way too many ideas. 🫨

The Bestest Smiler

 I am much better looking.  Nobody smiles quite like me! 😁

Alternate Activity

 Well instead of going to jury duty (after not being selected) this week, I am tackling a clean out of my bookshelves lining the walls of my garage which is made possible with two strong fans.  This is the part that I neglected when I previously worked on my possessions clean out.  I am downsizing my collection (less can actually be better) and better organizing them.  The excess will be dropped off at Goodwill stores.  The last time I did this was before we moved in the summer of 2018.  It does go against my nature to get rid of good books, but I never stop wanting to acquire more from thrift stores, library book sales and etc. so this becomes necessary.  I will always find more, so this is not a problem.  It is also good for Goodwill if I purchase them and then donate them back again. ☺️  Now I just need boxes.   Note to self:  Don’t forget that I already have this book. 🫒 I guess I should at least keep one copy. Oh dear, in attempting to downsize a collection of books that I have a

Vote For Me!

Vote for ME damn it!  That lady is a stupid poopy head!!! Update: I just had a crazy thought.  If this was an actual image of Donald Trump as a small boy how should I feel about it?  Should I look at it and think, “Oh, look at little Donald. How cute!” ?  “What are you feeling upset about Donald?” 😲

No Jury Duty

 Well, I got my original wish.  At the conclusion of my first day of my jury summons, I sat there hoping that my name would not be called to return again for the next phase of jury selection.  My attitude though really changed when I did return for a second day after seeing the defendant sitting right there in the front of the courtroom and listening to all the legal information and then the questions being asked mainly by the defense attorney.  I could really understand the importance of a jury, particularly to the person whose guilt or innocence and then sentencing lay in their hands.  It was a serious criminal trial that involved a DUI charge and an accident that led to the death of one individual and a serious bodily injury to another.  I felt that being a juror would actually be a very interesting and positive experience and most importantly a very important responsibility to be granted.  I actually felt really disappointed when I ended up not being selected.  It felt like a tease

Jury Duty

Under Disqualifications, numbers 8 and 9 disqualify a person from serving as a juror.  It is import and necessary under the law to disqualify any individuals who are convicted or under indictment of a felony, or misdemeanor theft, from serving as jurors.  These disqualifications for some reason don’t apply to individuals seeking to be elected to the office of the presidency of the United States of America.  There should be a law that disqualifies any individuals from seeking to run for election for political offices if they are convicted or under indictment of a felony, particularly in regard to the office of the presidency.  I am genuinely seriously confused.  How can this not be the case?  Having been summoned for jury duty really has me thinking about this.  Why is there some crazy loophole under which being a criminal is ok if an individual seeks to be our nation’s president???  To me, this is the definition of madness.   Doesn’t our country deserve better? Doesn’t our country dese

The Amazon Delivery Drones

 I saw the news story about Amazon beginning to use its drone package delivery system in College Station Texas.  The people in the news story were voicing their complaints about the noise made by the drones.  Really?  If my town started receiving Amazon package deliveries by drones, I would think it was super cool!  I wouldn’t care one bit about the noise.  I would think that it was really cool to be among the first people to get to experience such a significant and amazing change taking place that had never before existed as a part of human life and experience.  Don’t the residents of College Station appreciate this?  I would expect more from a college town! πŸ˜²πŸ˜‚  Then again, I suppose that if Amazon doesn’t receive complaints about the noise, then they wouldn’t have reason to make it a priority to create quieter drones.  

The Stranded Astronauts

 When I think about them while in a more empathetic state of mind, I feel this new appreciation for my connection with the planet earth that I never really felt before, except for when I learned of William Shatner’s experience.  Yes the two stranded astronauts are trained astronauts and William Shatner was not an astronaut.  I can imagine though that there is a major difference between spending an extended amount of time in the international space station of one’s own choice and with the knowledge that your safe ride home is with you, versus what the stranded astronauts are experiencing.  I can’t help thinking that if NASA and the government and SpaceX really empathize with them and their situation, and prioritize bringing them home over any addition space missions, then they should be willing to make it happen for the next SpaceX mission to have a change of assignment and travel to the ISS with the sole mission of picking up and bringing home the stranded astronauts home. I can’t help

Pop The Popcorn

 Am I horrible if Donald Trump making an idiot of himself is my guilty pleasure?  Maybe it is just comforting to know that he himself is making his own chances of winning the election less and less likely.  I’m rather dumbfounded that he stated that the Presidential Medal of Freedom is much better than the Congressional Medal of Honor because those who receive the later are either in really bad shape from being shot so many times or they are dead.  What kind of former president and presidential nominee could possibly say such a thing?  What I hear in his words:  “It is much better to receive a medal and to still be whole, intact, healthy and beautiful than to be one of the slobs who were seriously injured or are dead. And the two medals are rated as equal.”  This is basically what he actually did say.  Actually I am not dumbfounded because I know full well how narcissistic, and unable to see beyond his ego, he really is.  Our country truly needs for him to never be president again, so

Dollar Tree Tip

 Don’t buy strange unfamiliar brand snacks from Dollar Tree.  They are likely to taste like shit.  

Writing Ideas

 I recall that episode of the “I Love Lucy” show where Lucy and Ethel are working at a conveyor belt in a chocolate factory.  They are supposed to, in a joint effort, wrap each piece of candy before it can pass them by on the conveyor belt.  At first the candies move slowly enough, but then the conveyor belt speeds up.  Sometimes the thoughts and ideas that I am thinking about are like those pieces of chocolate.  There are so many that I don’t have a chance to finishing my thinking about each, let alone record them, before they are overtaken by more and different thoughts and ideas.  Most just don’t get wrapped up.  Sometimes my brain needs to slow down its thought conveyor belt.  Less stories and ideas could equal more that are completed.  The problem is that I find my best thoughts and ideas when they are coming at me too quickly and I can’t wrap them up to keep for further appreciation.  This by the way was a brief snippet of thought that I guess I managed to satisfactorily capture.

Jordan Chiles

 I think the Olympics owes Jordan Chiles an apology.  I’m sure I haven’t read or heard all the news, so I hope that this has been expressed.  It is terrible that she is being stripped of the medal that was awarded to her as an Olympic athlete, through no-fault of anything of which she herself was guilty.  As an Olympic athlete who worked so hard to achieve her very best, she deserved much better in her experience with the Olympics.  

Galileo Galilei


Condoleezza Rice

 I am very politically ignorant, and I really know nothing about this lady or her career, but for some reason, her name just popped into my head.  Brains are strange.  Or maybe I should say that my brain is strange.  These things happen to me all the time.  Why would I be looking at an image and then suddenly think “Condoleezza Rice” ????  Where do random thoughts like this come from?  I have no interesting or intelligent thoughts or contemplations about her, because I literally know nothing about her and don’t know why I thought of her. 

Olympic Medals

 I would imagine that winning Olympic medals is quite anti-climactic when there is nothing that really follows that moment and initial high unless athletes choose to begin again with training and competing in hopes of being a part of the next Olympics.  It must feel rather empty for it to all just be over after putting so much ambition, time, and heart into their sport and goal.  They would then have to find a new meaning, purpose and ambition for their lives.

The Great American Melting Pot

 This needs to continue to be the ideal and goal for America.  America should always be a land of acceptance and unity where we are all just human and all skin colors and ethnicities are just respected and regarded as who we are.  This is nothing to be afraid of.  This is how we as a nation and people can achieve our highest potential. “So any kid could be the president,”  Go America! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Door Stop Dolls

 I was just hit with a memory from the time when doorstop dolls were popular.  They were a homemade craft and they were meant to sit on the floor in front of a door in order to hold it open.  I think it was really as much about their decorative appeal as it was about their function in holding doors open.  Somewhere I’m sure I have a picture of the one that I had when I was young because I still had it when I was teenager and liked to photograph things. Today it suddenly made an appearance as an image in my head. 

Homeward Bound

You were a good traveler Mr. Phily but next time you will stay home with the big kitties.  πŸš˜ 🐈 🏨