Well instead of going to jury duty (after not being selected) this week, I am tackling a clean out of my bookshelves lining the walls of my garage which is made possible with two strong fans. This is the part that I neglected when I previously worked on my possessions clean out. I am downsizing my collection (less can actually be better) and better organizing them. The excess will be dropped off at Goodwill stores. The last time I did this was before we moved in the summer of 2018. It does go against my nature to get rid of good books, but I never stop wanting to acquire more from thrift stores, library book sales and etc. so this becomes necessary. I will always find more, so this is not a problem. It is also good for Goodwill if I purchase them and then donate them back again. ☺️ Now I just need boxes.
Note to self: Don’t forget that I already have this book. 🫢 I guess I should at least keep one copy.

Oh dear, in attempting to downsize a collection of books that I have already downsized, I find myself reading descriptions, and realizing there are reasons why I chose to keep the books that I have kept. I have found some stuff to part with though.
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