Pop The Popcorn

 Am I horrible if Donald Trump making an idiot of himself is my guilty pleasure?  Maybe it is just comforting to know that he himself is making his own chances of winning the election less and less likely.  I’m rather dumbfounded that he stated that the Presidential Medal of Freedom is much better than the Congressional Medal of Honor because those who receive the later are either in really bad shape from being shot so many times or they are dead.  What kind of former president and presidential nominee could possibly say such a thing? 
What I hear in his words:  “It is much better to receive a medal and to still be whole, intact, healthy and beautiful than to be one of the slobs who were seriously injured or are dead. And the two medals are rated as equal.”  This is basically what he actually did say. 

Actually I am not dumbfounded because I know full well how narcissistic, and unable to see beyond his ego, he really is.  Our country truly needs for him to never be president again, so I do relish his inability to not sabotage this possibility.  I need to get some microwave popcorn 🍿 in anticipation of what he can’t refrain from saying next. 

Do I need some higher self analysis of my attitude?  I don’t know.  Our nation truly needs for him to not win the election, but is it wrong to enjoy watching him screw things up for himself?


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