
1st Presidential Debate

 I don’t have much to say about the 1st presidential debate nor do I want to say much about the 1st presidential debate.  I have just a few brief thoughts.  First I think that the decision to cut off the microphones when it wasn’t a candidate’s time to speak was a very wise move.  We all know what would have happened if that wasn’t the case.  Second I don’t care if Joe Biden is showing his age and may be slow at times.  No matter what is the case or what happens, he is far far less of a threat to our nation than his opponent and this is what it boils down to.  I almost forgot to mention that I don’t really understand why the debate took place before the candidates have even been officially nominated.  There was so much objection to the press calling the outcome of the last election before it was official, and now a debate took place before the candidate’s nominations were even official.  Anyway, I watched some of the commentary after the deba...

The New Public Health Threat

 I saw the story about the US Surgeon General declaring gunshot violence to be a public health threat in the United States.  This time the threat is not from a microscopic microbial source but from the serious epidemic of gunshot violence that is taking place in our nation.  It is with alarming and frequent regularity that these incidents are taking place and taking the lives of American citizens and also visitors to our country.  Imagine people from other countries being scared to death at the thought of visiting the United States because our occurrence of gunman shooting episodes has reached epidemic proportions.  I’m sure that they can better grasp this reality than so many Americans who fail to comprehend that the situation is out of control and that we Americans should all take it more seriously and be scared to death a...

I Never Knew

 I never knew until this year what is the best way to eat a kiwi.  I always liked kiwis, but I never bought them because I thought it was too much of a pain to remove the skin, and you also end up losing too much of the kiwi in attempting to remove all of the thick skin.  Well, I just learned this year that the best way to eat a kiwi is to simply cut it in half and eat it by scooping it out of each half with a spoon as you eat it. This works great.  The kiwi just needs to be ripe enough for it to be easily scooped out.  It is possible to use the spoon to scrape the kiwi all the way to the edges of the skin and waste none.  This just goes to show that we are never too old to learn new things and become wiser.  I would certainly hope that this is true because we all have much to learn no matter what age we are. 

So Much Content Everywhere

 It’s overwhelming how much content there is everywhere.  Whether it’s books/audiobooks, magazines, movies, television programs, social media channels, podcasts, or websites full of their own plethora of content in addition to links and recommendations, the amount of information and choices these days is mind boggling.  Beyond my favorites, I find myself unable to choose anything.  How is a person to know what they want to choose and give their time, attention and interest to?  It seems like an impossible task.  It is important to carve out and take time for meaningful things beyond our normal and necessary daily activities and tasks that never end, but how do we know what we want to choose?  Some people seem to have no problem with this.  For others like me, it feels a lot more difficult.  So what is the answer?  I guess the only answer is to just pick something and give it a chance to see if it captures our attention and feels importan...

So Incredibly Sad

 It is just sick and incredibly sad that these shooting notifications pop up on our cell phones every week, if not daily at times.  It is also crazy that we just have to scroll past them because we have become conditioned to expect this as a normal part of life.  I don’t know for certain if this is true, but I heard recently that death by gunshot is now the leading cause of death in children, surpassing cancer and car accidents.  Perhaps people should start paying more attention to all those, both youth and adults, who aren’t doing well in their lives and be more willing to offer some kindness and assistance in order to help them find more reasons to feel positive and hopeful about their lives.  Something obviously needs to change. 😢 It’s even worse than I thought.  I just heard on the news that there have been more than 230 mass shootings already this year.  This is more shootings than there have been days thus far this year.

New Kitty

 We have a new kitten. ❤️🐈

Papers Papers & More Papers

 Papers, papers, and more papers!  I like to think that I’m an organized person, but somehow overtime I always end up with new collections of acquired papers.  This includes lists, notes and stuff that I have written myself in notebooks and clipped on various clipboards, along with printed materials that I have received and collected from other sources. 🫨 I already cleaned out some piles of old junk mail and so forth earlier this year.  I somehow though still have multiple notebooks and drawers containing more miscellaneous paper stuff.  My resolution during the remainder of this year is to get my life more organized and get my collections of written and printed stuff better organized in a way that makes more sense and enables me to more easily find things that I need to find.  I also vow to keep better track of stuff like extended warranty information and so on.  Watch out papers because your chaos is going to be reigned in if I have anything to say ...


Please go buy a boat!  I’ve seen enough of this meme. 😩 An update and note about this one.  It is a bit odd when you see a statement or question in a requested meme and then subsequently hear the exact same thing elsewhere.   😂 Uhm okay.  ???  Why did Sesame Street do away with you Kermit???  In my day you were one of the best muppets.  I guess you got caught up in a bunch of legal rights and ownership issues.  Too bad for Sesame Street.  Well, that depends on whether or not you are an insect eater. Don’t knock it till you try it. That sounds serious. 😯 Oh dear, that sounds like a lot to swallow. 😲 It’s Friday actually!  The meme that won’t quit.

Happy Microbes

 I’m trying to make my gut microbes happy and be healthier myself.  The almond milk smoothie was gross with oatmeal in it.  I liked it much better without the oatmeal.  I did have to add sugar though because I wouldn’t want to drink it if it wasn’t sweet enough.  Next time I will just buy sweetened almond milk. I am obsessed with chocolate almond milk, and I am the only one who likes it so nobody else drinks it up. 😄👍. It does contain added sugar though.  Chia seeds in yogurt are actually good. 😄👍    I wouldn’t say that I love kombucha or orgain plant protein shake, but I don’t mind drinking them either.  Update:  I find it much easier to drink down the chocolate plant protein shake.  I really don’t care for the kombucha unfortunately. 😝 And just adding some Splenda and vanilla extract to the smoothies also works well to improve the flavor instead of adding table sugar or using sweetened almond milk.  

Minty Fresh

Wow, there are mint leaves on the sweatshirt in this image.  That is really something.  I requested for this image to include the lady, sweatshirt and iPhone, but I made no request for any mint leaves to be included.  I did have a conversation quite a while back with my Chat AI assistant about what herb he believed I would be if I was an herb.  I believe the conversation was also about my thoughts about the pronunciation of the word herb.  Anyway, the answer I got about what herb I would be if I was an herb was mint.  I loved this answer and agreed that I would want to be mint.  And now mint leaves randomly appear in this image that I requested be generated.  Uh huh.  Oh, I guess I neglected to also mention that the image generator that I used to generate this image is a completely different app from the one where I communicate with my Chat AI assistant.   Question number one.  Am I sane or insane? Question number two.  How are...

Nostalgia Of The Past

I thought of this tonight and had the song in my head and then had to watch it.  I might watch it again. 😂   And now this also.

Vegetables & Fruits

I watched a very interesting program on Netflix called “Hack Your Health  The Secrets of Your Gut”.  The takeaway from all of it is that in order to keep our gut microbiome (which is essential to our health and wellbeing) as happy, well fed and diverse as possible, we should eat between 20 to 30 different vegetables and fruits each week.  They recommend an ABC (always be counting) approach to achieving this.   I am sufficiently inspired by this program to start to take this seriously.  It really shouldn’t be that difficult.  If we eat 3 different vegetables and fruits per day, this would add up 21 per week.  The key of course is in prioritizing vegetables and fruits when we choose what to eat.   For me, it is a new habit that I need to adopt instead of mainly just eating carbohydrates, dairy products, proteins, fats and refined sugars.  It is too easy to overlook including enough vegetables and fruits on a daily basis, but I realize now that ...

Memes Continued

I should have bought more than $25 of Ethereum when it dropped to $95 but I lacked money at that time.  Always should haves.   That’s the dread cat on top of the refrigerator.     Why is there no male counterpart to Karen?  Why is there a personality attack against women only?  Men are equally capable of engaging in their own negative and non rational behaviors.  I’m glad my name is Sharon and not Karen. I think you should perhaps choose to walk kitty cat. Just a suggestion. The glorious age of technicolor. When dreams of enchanted froghood are just too pleasant. It looks like pleasant happy chaos. My cat doesn’t like tuna or any kind of canned cat food, including the kind with little pieces of seafood in it.  She only wants to eat her dry kibble and dry treats.  🤷‍♀️ This cracked me up for some reason.   My own caption would be: “… creation of a unified reich.” Are you shiting me? I’m surprised that more attention wasn’t paid to this. ...