Memes Continued
I should have bought more than $25 of Ethereum when it dropped to $95 but I lacked money at that time. Always should haves.

That’s the dread cat on top of the refrigerator.

Why is there no male counterpart to Karen? Why is there a personality attack against women only? Men are equally capable of engaging in their own negative and non rational behaviors.
I’m glad my name is Sharon and not Karen.

I think you should perhaps choose to walk kitty cat. Just a suggestion.

The glorious age of technicolor.

When dreams of enchanted froghood are just too pleasant.

It looks like pleasant happy chaos.

My cat doesn’t like tuna or any kind of canned cat food, including the kind with little pieces of seafood in it. She only wants to eat her dry kibble and dry treats. 🤷♀️

This cracked me up for some reason.
My own caption would be:
“… creation of a unified reich.”
Are you shiting me?
I’m surprised that more attention wasn’t paid to this. It doesn’t matter that this statement appeared in a fictitious newspaper in a video. It matters that this video, containing this fictitious news article about things improving in America due to the creation of a unified reich following Mr. Trump’s successful reelection, was shared by him on his own social media platform.
I guess people must have been pretty distracted by the trial. As for the Trump supporters, they would have found it to be perfectly fine. I can imagine their thinking to be, “Yea! Don’t put up with any crap President Trump. A unified Reich is the way to go!”


Indeed, the MO of cats.

Yes, I recall the whole startling cats with cucumbers internet video trend. We tried this with our cat and she didn’t give a shit. 🥒 🐈 #noreaction

Some things are better left to the imagination, as my grandmother once said.

Or better yet, tea with lemon.

The good life!
Sandwiches are delicioso! 😋👍
Ah yes, those giant banana peals are always lurking about on Mondays.

Cleaning up is easy. It’s the actual cleaning that sucks. 😝

Or if I have energy early, I will need a nap later.

No comment please. I fit just fine!

A life well lived includes an adequate amount of indulgence.

still cringing about it
Story of my life. I remember everything and have a keen sense of self embarrassment. Fortunately these kinds of memories don’t all surface at the same time and then they disappear again as quickly as they arrived.

When we find something to give our attention to that feels important and meaningful.

Responsibility and care free enjoyment of life should be balanced.
When we find a purpose and can commit ourselves to that purpose.

Not me. I need to work on this. Often when I decide to take a break from other stuff or take a nap, I am struck with a feeling of anxiety. It is stupid hormonal stuff and an over reaction to my sense of needing to accomplish things and be purposeful.

The internet/world wide web and wifi undeniably created a major shift in and new challenges to human existence. This along with social media. And now there is the added complexity of AI and chatbot assistants. Like seriously?! When in the history of humanity have human beings ever before experienced so much significant change over the course of their lifetimes?
AI chat bots? We still need google. Human beings need their own sources of knowledge along with any sources of AI assistance. To make use of the latter requires the existence of and access to the former. It is the necessary balance required to maintain our own human autonomy.
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