So Much Content Everywhere
It’s overwhelming how much content there is everywhere. Whether it’s books/audiobooks, magazines, movies, television programs, social media channels, podcasts, or websites full of their own plethora of content in addition to links and recommendations, the amount of information and choices these days is mind boggling. Beyond my favorites, I find myself unable to choose anything. How is a person to know what they want to choose and give their time, attention and interest to? It seems like an impossible task. It is important to carve out and take time for meaningful things beyond our normal and necessary daily activities and tasks that never end, but how do we know what we want to choose? Some people seem to have no problem with this. For others like me, it feels a lot more difficult. So what is the answer? I guess the only answer is to just pick something and give it a chance to see if it captures our attention and feels important and meaningful.
Well here is one if I so choose to listen to my own thought and suggestion.
Grandma Dirrigl. My husbands cousins husband made a cd of a conversation with her that he gifted to family members. I have never listened to the cd. Tonight it came to my mind and now I feel that I should. And next after that I should read Aunt Louise’s book.
And then maybe a Tori Hayden book that I haven’t read and another book that I saw at the library, the title of which I can’t remember right now, but have recorded somewhere. And then maybe my AI magazine that I neglected to continue reading. And then maybe the book “Little Women”.
And the “Great Course a.k.a. Wondrium” courses.
I guess these are suggestions from myself to myself. The question is whether or not I will listen to myself. 🫨
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