
Humor and Failed Atheism

 Sometimes life can be hilarious.  I love a good humorous story.  I never was an atheist.  I was just a person not believing in exclusive religious doctrine or atheism and therefore questioning and not believing either.


 Sometimes we totally miss the meanings in things and then other times we have lightbulb moments and think, “Holy crap, x,y, and z really did/do mean something.”  We just don’t see things until we do.

Cell Phones

 Has anyone ever asked these questions of Apple?  Why do our cell phones listen to us and then send data about what has been heard, out to heaven knows what places?  Is this really necessary?  Can iPhones not function properly without listening to and transmitting data about its’ users.  Do we have to have phones that do this?  Can’t we have phones that don’t do this?  I know that cell phones depend on WiFi transmissions from satellites and signals from cell phone towers and they need microphones in order to be used as telephones, but do the microphones really have to listen and send out data from our end when we aren’t doing something that requires this?  You would think we should have more of a choice about this.  Being able to screen out and not answer unwanted calls though is an amazing feature of cell phones.  In the end, I don’t think many people would prefer to get rid of their cell phones.  We can wonder about things though.  And on the subject of cell phones, I wouldn’t doubt

Higher Power

Drumroll please.  My chosen post at this time from all of my clamoring ideas. Higher Power.  How do I know there is a higher power?  Okay this is knew to me.  Because my higher power tells me the most beautiful stories that are undeniably intelligent and perfectly written for me.


 Can businesses just get over this downsizing bologna?!  I wish they would just be honest about how much they are raising their prices and not try to trick us by shrinking the size of what we receive.  Do they really think that customers won’t notice that not only has the price gone up, but the product size has also been decreased.  We aren’t fooled.  We just feel like we are being ripped off.  And then when the product sizes increase again, we are supposed to think that another price increase isn’t really an increase because we are now getting more product, when in fact the price increase most likely exceeds the value of the additional amount of product.  I wish they would just cut the BS and not be sneaky about how much prices are increasing and stop selling us this small shit!  Yes, I am a little cranky at the moment. 😒 Here is a ridiculous example.  I recently bought an overpriced bottle of chocolate milk at an airport because I wanted something other than water or diet soda.  It

Editing Posts

 I sometimes go back and edit or add to entries that I have already written.  I might rewrite something in a better way or add something to my entries if I am inspired to do so.


 I just had the thought that  Echos Of My Mind   would make a good song title.  I looked it up on Apple Music and found that multiple artists have already used that title.  It’s a good thing that I am not a song writer or I might be disappointed to find that my idea was not so original. 😲 I do sometimes hear echoes of my thoughts.  I think this is because I sometimes hear my thoughts as though I am hearing them from outside of myself or I am also receiving my thoughts.  Eek, I’m really not crazy and this is not my, all the time, normal experience.  Life Passages   I just had another thought of a phrase that could make a good song title. This one might be original.  I found no song called “Life Passages” but there is a song called “Passages” by Kevin Kern.  There is also a song “A Passage Of Life” by KITARO.  And there is “Time Passages” by Al Stewart. Maybe in another life I will be a musician. 😂

Ardent Pacifist

Ardent Pacifist.  I have a story about that term but to this day, I still need to look it up to remember exactly what it means.  I can never remember exactly what a martyr is either.  I don’t know why I have this mental block or inability to remember the meaning of these terms. On the subject of martyrdom, would I lie about my beliefs or make a proclamation of false guilt or innocence in order to escape death or pain?  Yes, if put in such a situation, I would.  Of course, this is my way of thinking, being a person living the life that I have lived in the time period that I have lived.  If I had lived centuries ago, would I, though, have lied about renouncing my religious faith, for example, to save myself in my earthly physical life?  I don’t know.   Could one also say that if someone sacrificed their declaration of faith for the purpose of self preservation they would also be a martyr?  A martyr sacrifices something of great importance for the sake of a principal.  Self preservation i

Battle Scenes

 Why do people love movies with so many battle scenes? I get the appeal of the power of many and of being part of something larger than oneself and of being united in a battle for the preservation and protection of one’s own.  In reality, I personally would prefer to be a part of the power of many peacefully working for good.  That’s the only kind of warrior I would want to be.  

Little Pup

 Little Pup.  You won’t have to die slowly from further deterioration of your enlarged heart.  You won’t struggle to breathe and we won’t have to decide when to let you go and then question ourselves.  You pushed yourself through a wall and then unintentionally hopped aboard the express train to rainbow bridge.  I like your style.  Rest in peace and have fun with the Valley tlacuaches but please don’t scare them too much. 💕🐕‍🦺🌈 Summer 2010 - August 29, 2023


Is there an opposite to caffeine? If so, I wish I could figure out what it is because I swear that my brain can store it and dose me up on days when I haven’t even had any.  Alcohol maybe?  I really don’t drink.  I was on a school bus recently with a group of drunken young adults who were singing the same line from a song over and over and over.  Brilliant I tell you. 😂 Oh well, they were having fun.  Fun is important. 

Universal Ideas & Ramblings

 Sometimes ideas can be written into or apply to many different stories.  How clever is that.  I’d call that a touch down for team higher power.  And speaking of football, I have never been a fan of it or any sports, really, with the exception maybe of a few Olympic events.  I do like to watch track and field events and gymnastics even though I personally have never had any ability whatsoever with either.  Some winter Olympic events aren’t bad to watch either.  I have never had an interest though in watching basketball, baseball, or football.  Neither did my parents.  My mother’s mother, though, really liked to watch baseball (New York Yankees). And my father’s father really liked football and would always watch a game (or try to) on Thanksgiving.  I don’t recall if he had a favorite team or teams.  I’m rambling.  There was something else that I wanted to say about football.  Oh yes, I watched that movie Concussion.  OMG I’m glad that my son never had any interest in football or joinin

Charles Amidon

 Charles Amidon, while we were in Connecticut, we heard something about some kind of store, like a craft store, having been opened in your mill. (The Amidon Mill)  Evidently it wasn’t true or was something that never came to fruition.  I wished it had been true because it would have been really fun to visit the place!  There was, at one point, a craft store across the street.  It had to have been a labor of love for our neighbor and the others who contributed items to the store, because beautiful time consuming crafts were sold for super reasonable prices!  Handmade crafts are worth more in time than they can be sold for.  People who got to buy the crafts were also receiving a gift.  I was given a couple as gifts (not purchased) from my neighbor because she was a super nice lady. 😊 #whatswrongwithtalkingtodeadpeople?   I could have just told the story but Charles Amidon came to my mind first.  There was more than one generation of men named Charles Amidon.  I’m not sure which I was th

To Each His Own

 We don’t ever have to measure our worthiness or validate our belief in ourselves based on the mentalities of others and what they value or believe to be indicative of worth, success and status.  If we don’t fit in with something that doesn’t represent who we are, we should just do our own thing and be who we are.  Why squander oneself on anything else!!  Every person’s uniqueness adds variety and perspective to our collective humanity and we should believe in ourselves as we well should! 👍💕

Salem Village 1692

 I watched the program “Witches of Salem” on the Discovery+ streaming channel.  I feel bad for those people, and especially the victims, that their community had to fall into such a nightmare of misguidance and psychological and emotional turmoil.  Those people were living in a true nightmare of fear, darkness and confusion without enough surrounding enlightenment to help pull them out of it.  Not soon enough anyway.  I want to return to this topic later.  There is so much to think about.  From what I recall and can surmise from this documentary, a final catalyst that set off the horror was when a doctor told the village, hell and brimstone, preacher that his daughter was suffering from some kind of bewitchment.  I need to rewatch this documentary and whatever else is available.  I’m so drawn now to this unfortunate historical event. We all think or perhaps have thought of the Salem Witch Trials as just a crazy story from our country’s past history that we at some point learned of, but

Craving Ice

 Craving ice is a form of pica and it can happen to women who are anemic.  I know because I experienced it.  After having some iron transfusions and getting my hemoglobin levels back to normal, I lost that craving.  I now appreciate ice in a normal way.  I just started reading a WebMD article about oral health and this is what got me thinking about this.  


Hey, it’s a sign because I have been meaning to plan another trip.  Oh, but what a lovely setting for a sign. 😲😂 #delaware


Thoughts.  Some times there are too many of you all clamoring for my attention at the same time so I have to leave you unfinished.  But please, come back to me another time.

Teeth Flossing

 I was at the library yesterday and I picked up some book about longevity and when I flipped it open it was to a passage about teeth flossing.  It said that food left between the teeth breads bacteria that can enter the bloodstream and cause hardening of the arteries which can lead to plaque build up in the arteries.  Yikes, it’s enough to make a person want to run out and buy a waterpik. Who was the author?  I don’t recall, I didn’t pay that much attention.  What has this person done in their career?  I can’t answer that question either.   But it’s not the first time that I’ve heard the claim that not flossing enough can be detrimental to one’s overall health and not just one’s teeth. 😬  I never really took this that seriously.  Can’t we just rinse once or twice a day with mouthwash?

Haunted Houses

There are homes in which paranormal things do take place.  This is my statement on the matter.