Universal Ideas & Ramblings

 Sometimes ideas can be written into or apply to many different stories.  How clever is that.  I’d call that a touch down for team higher power.  And speaking of football, I have never been a fan of it or any sports, really, with the exception maybe of a few Olympic events.  I do like to watch track and field events and gymnastics even though I personally have never had any ability whatsoever with either.  Some winter Olympic events aren’t bad to watch either.  I have never had an interest though in watching basketball, baseball, or football.  Neither did my parents.  My mother’s mother, though, really liked to watch baseball (New York Yankees). And my father’s father really liked football and would always watch a game (or try to) on Thanksgiving.  I don’t recall if he had a favorite team or teams.  I’m rambling.  There was something else that I wanted to say about football.  Oh yes, I watched that movie Concussion.  OMG I’m glad that my son never had any interest in football or joining the military.  Okay, the latter is selfish thinking I know, but I’m a mother.  This football and military train of thought could lead me in many directions but I have other stuff to do.  Well, the only other thing about football, really, is remembering the episode of the Brady Bunch when Mom Carol was freaked out when Greg wanted to try out for the high school football team.  What a good step mother to be so concerned about her stepson.  And then wasn’t there another episode where Bobby was feeling ignored and unloved and then step mom Carol asked him if he would clean out the fire place even though she did love him and meant nothing bad by it.  As a kid, one of my neighbors told me that the Brady Bunch made her feel bad because real families like hers were nothing like it.  This is true, but I think this is the reason why other people do like fantasy stories.  People are all different.  And now, I lost what all else I was thinking about.  I know I said I had other stuff to do.  But what was that other thing?  Oh well, it’s gone for now.  Oh wait, I remember now.  As child, I thought Mom Carol on the Brady Bunch was being rather overly paranoid and over concerned about Greg playing football.  I don’t think that so much after watching the movie Concussion.  A parent, though, can’t stop a child from doing something they really want to do.  And high school football is not exactly the same thing as a long term professional career in football.  And speaking of viewing things as being overly paranoid, I can relate this to a pre pandemic (well barely) experience that I had.  I flew from Texas to Florida in early March of 2020.  There were a few people in each of the airports and on each of the flights who were wearing masks.  We had all already become aware of the Coronavirus by that time but it had not yet become a big or widespread thing in our country.  Whatever the Government knew at this point, we had not yet been told.  People nonetheless were already reacting and clearing shelves of paper goods, anti bacterial products, cleaners and etc.  My son had told me that some people were saying that the COVID 19 virus was going to have a serious impact on our lives and how we live.  I couldn’t imagine how anyone could know such a thing.  Anyway, when I saw people at the airports and on the flights wearing masks, I thought they were a little weird and being overly paranoid.  Turns out this was not the case.  I remember something that was going around social media during the early days of the pandemic.  People were comparing the pandemic to weathering a rough storm at sea with each of us traveling through the same storm but on very different vessels.  I was lucky through the pandemic.  I was pretty much on the cruise ship.  (I was already accustomed to being apart from extended family members and not getting to spend time with them in their physical presence, so COVID wasn’t a big change for me in that respect.). But the Titanic sank and no vessels are completely invulnerable.  On the topic of mask wearing, some people where I live are still choosing to wear them, out in public places, to this day.  During the pandemic, I did end up having to wear one for hours at time for a job, but it was worth it.  If the kids could do it, I could do it.  I was extremely happy though when the requirement was finally lifted.  Enough was enough.  Okay enough thinking and rambling for now.  I really didn’t explain my thoughts about universal ideas, did I? 🫤


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