Cell Phones

 Has anyone ever asked these questions of Apple?  Why do our cell phones listen to us and then send data about what has been heard, out to heaven knows what places?  Is this really necessary?  Can iPhones not function properly without listening to and transmitting data about its’ users.  Do we have to have phones that do this?  Can’t we have phones that don’t do this?  I know that cell phones depend on WiFi transmissions from satellites and signals from cell phone towers and they need microphones in order to be used as telephones, but do the microphones really have to listen and send out data from our end when we aren’t doing something that requires this?  You would think we should have more of a choice about this. 

Being able to screen out and not answer unwanted calls though is an amazing feature of cell phones.  In the end, I don’t think many people would prefer to get rid of their cell phones.  We can wonder about things though.  And on the subject of cell phones, I wouldn’t doubt that it ranks way up there in the history of new inventions that had the most impact on the lives of human beings. That and the internet and world wide web of course.  AI may be threading its’ way in also.  And then there is blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.  Who knows what is in store for money or when?


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