Charles Amidon

 Charles Amidon, while we were in Connecticut, we heard something about some kind of store, like a craft store, having been opened in your mill. (The Amidon Mill)  Evidently it wasn’t true or was something that never came to fruition.  I wished it had been true because it would have been really fun to visit the place!  There was, at one point, a craft store across the street.  It had to have been a labor of love for our neighbor and the others who contributed items to the store, because beautiful time consuming crafts were sold for super reasonable prices!  Handmade crafts are worth more in time than they can be sold for.  People who got to buy the crafts were also receiving a gift.  I was given a couple as gifts (not purchased) from my neighbor because she was a super nice lady. 😊

#whatswrongwithtalkingtodeadpeople?   I could have just told the story but Charles Amidon came to my mind first.  There was more than one generation of men named Charles Amidon.  I’m not sure which I was thinking of. 😲 Most likely the older Charles and original owner of the mill.


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