
The Opinions Of Others

 We concern ourselves with the opinions that we think others might have about us, when in reality they care far less about whatever opinions they have of us than we do.  Who we ourselves are and what we ourselves are doing in our lives, is what most people are primarily concerned about. 

People’s Stories

 Imagine how much insight and greater understanding we would have of other people if we knew all the stories of their lives.  Or at least the more significant ones.  How eye opening it would be to not have illusions about the seeming easy and uncomplicated lives of others.  Life stories always have more depth than what those not quite close enough can see.  It makes me think about social media.  People have shared their understanding about it and how it makes (perhaps to young people in particular) it appear that others are living less stressful and more amazing lives because they are just showing a glamorous appearing edited version of their lives.  In reality people all live lives complete with their own unique challenges and complexities of human existence.


 It’s the part of America where Americans must remain until they pass through a checkpoint and are granted permission to enter the rest of America.

Ode To Cape Cod

Cape Cod is a peninsula island that has its own unique natural environment that has a feeling of sea proximity, sand, salt, surf, seagulls, sea grass, seaweed, sand dunes, sunshine, sea tides, sea air, sea shells, sand dollars, lighthouses, buoys, New England fisherman and seafood.  I don’t really know anything about writing odes 😂 but that is my personal description of and feeling about Cape Cod.  Appreciating Cape Cod is to have appreciation and love for the combination of all of these things. #undertheinfluenceofthriftstoretreasures I’d have to say that the squawking of seagulls and other New England seashore birds is what gives Cape Cod its’ distinctive sound environment.  Along with ocean waves at the coast of course. #birdsareimpotant Birds are an important part of the beauty of our planet.  I can’t imagine a world without birds in the sky.  I suppose this is because we human beings already have an attachment to their existence.  Something would definitely be missing if suddenly

Treasure’s Galore

Okay, I’m a little late but this is my treasure hunting tale from last week.  I had an appointment on one day and errands to do on the other so I ended up visiting my favorite thrift stores in search of treasure.  I even added an extra day. 😲 Well it turns out that last week held an abundance of treasure.   What are the odds at the bottom of Texas of finding two mugs and two shot glasses with each pair having one of Cape Cod and the other of Boston.  I swear I didn’t already have any of them.  I found all of them last week during my last thrift store visits.   My mother had this Christmas album and I played it when I was young.  The album I found was in excellent condition with no scratches. There was also just a ton of stuff that held special appeal to me.  I had to make choices. 😄 I love angels.  A trio is even better.  So many great things. There may have been a few more not pictured here. 😄 #youhadyourfunnowenjoythetreasuresyoualreadyhave I think I like the album the best.  Chri

Natural Selection vs. Intelligent Design

 Maybe there are gray areas between the two where the hues of each mix to create a beautiful story of mutual respect and validity.  Yes I know, this idea is blasphemy to science and could be interpreted as magical thinking.  But it is also true sometimes that experiencing something is a valid place for logical thought and understanding.  Sometimes we don’t need to understand or know everything.  We just need to trust what we understand and build our own intelligent understanding and knowledge from there.  Intangible and experiential evidence has validity also. I know this is very anti Dawkins but I actually did really appreciate his rationale and understanding that you can’t seize upon gaps of knowledge and magically fill in the spaces with magical thinking and beliefs that require no actual tangible evidence or demonstrate-able understanding.  Who could argue with that.  We can’t use a gap in knowledge as a proof of an unscientific belief.  We can though use our own personal experienc

Amazing Trend For Humans

 It would be an amazing, time saving, money saving, and stress reducing trend for humans if wearing naturally wrinkled clothing came to be in vogue.  I mean who really is to say that pressed is best.  It’s an indoctrinated preference and ideal.  I’m sure humanity could survive just fine if such a notion was abandoned and people carried on with business in whatever state of wrinkling their clothes might find themselves.  #wrinklesarepartoflife  #clothesareclothes  #ropa

Photos Stored On Our Phones

 Our photos stored in our phones are the property of ourselves and whatever technologies are sophisticated enough to be able to access our phone’s data and preserve that data outside of our phones regardless of whether we ourselves have opted to have our photos uploaded to any kind of cloud storage.

AI Jokes


DAR Is Leaving Facebook

 Go Daughter’s of the American Revolution!  DAR is moving to its’ own communities site.  They already have their own organization site, but the new site is for the communication and messaging of groups.  The site itself is already up and running.  I haven’t checked it out yet myself.  All the DAR groups on Facebook will be migrating over to the DAR’s own communities site.  I found out that this is not going to extend to state and local level groups because there are just too many.  Bah humbug. 🙁 I don’t want to use Facebook. 


 Mine has been broken for quite some time now. 🫤 We are going to replace our sink also before we replace the dishwasher when we actually get around to it.  I have been washing dishes the old fashioned way.  I have to have a dishpan full of hot soapy water to wash the dishes in.  I even have one with clean water for rinsing the dishes.  I don’t know how people can stand to just wash dishes without a dish pan. 😲😩 (I have my reasons why these things are difficult for me.)


 Spinach on sandwiches is very good and it comes pre washed  and ready to eat!  Popeye would approve.

House Cleaning Method

  Life is short so I have decided that I want to take enough time for myself to enjoy what I have left.  My house cleaning method is now as follows.  I clean things as I see and notice that they need cleaning (though sometimes I decide to wait) so my house is never completely clean but it is never completely dirty either.  And I don’t use rubber gloves, I just liked the picture. 😂

99 cent Omega Dollar

 I had forgotten about this store.  We have 3 all within close vicinity.  It is a place where you can still buy things that aren’t being sold for super inflated prices.  Everything isn’t $.99, but much of the store’s inventory sells for $1.99 and $.99. They have much more than just shoes and slippers! 😄

Holiday Fusion

 It has never bothered me when stores and shopping locations put out their holiday items early.  I know a lot of people don’t like and are bothered by this.  Stores and malls are businesses, though, and their business is to sell stuff.  Okay, I don’t like there being Black Friday that starts at midnight and more recently Black Thursday starting on the afternoon of Thanksgiving.  People don’t need to be made to work on holidays unnecessarily.  Putting out merchandise early, though, doesn’t bother me.  No one has to put any holiday items in their homes before they desire.  But life is busy and the weeks fly by so quickly.  It is nice to have time to anticipate and appreciate the spirit of the holidays before they just suddenly arrive and then have passed us by.  IMHO I would call this isle, “The Nightmare Before Christmas”. 😂🎃🎄 

The January 6th Report

  I did not buy this book for $0.99 at one of my favorite thrift stores.  I could never read it.  It would take me like a decade to get through it even if I did want to know all the details.  My inability to read this book, of course, is not meant as a criticism of it.  It’s just about me and my ability, or rather inability, to read such a thing.  I think I gathered enough, though, from reading former president Trump’s ridiculous twitter tweets.  He rallied and convinced people that a terrible and wrongful injustice had been done and that the very foundation of our American government and freedom was being violated and jeopardized, and that gathering together on January 6th to rally against this injustice was going to be one of the most important things to ever happen in the history of the American government.  The injustice, of course, was that he did not win his reelection.  He was narcissistic and delusional and out of touch with reality.  I know, I could make a lot of people upset

Child Brides

 Again I don’t  know why I always find myself thinking about these things but I just had a thought about child brides.  No young minor girl should be forced or even asked to enter into a marriage that will not be an adult choice made by her.  This sounds like a no brainer but it does happen in the world.  I don’t care if my opinion is ethnocentric.  I am of the opinion that some things are wrong regardless of whether they are a normal part of a culture.  If things do harm to others and especially children, they are wrong. Oh I remember now, I just got a DVD involving this topic from a thrift store.  It is called “Water”.  I haven’t yet watched it. I haven’t yet written about my thrift store treasures either.

Marketing Sponsorship & Children

 I’ve noticed something.  Parents who have been successful in creating a very popular social media account or social media video account along with their child or children, seem likely to move into marketing sponsorships with their children.  I think if I was a parent of a child growing up now in the 2020s, I would think long and hard before taking my child/children down that road.  I wouldn’t want them to later have any regrets or resentments about being involved in something that was not an adult choice that they made for themselves. 

Adapt Test

Image I had an adapt test today.  I’ve had it twice now due to having some eye drusen.  It’s not covered by medical insurance but the cost is reasonable.  It tests for AMD (age-related macular degeneration).  You were a VR like headset and the test is completely guided by an artificial intelligence called Thea.  Thea gives all the directions and is completely responsive to each person’s eyes and their input to the test via a hand remote.  This makes me think about how amazing medical care will become in the future with more advanced technologies like this.  In years past I used to get eye exams at the vision center at Walmart.  Now I go to the vision center associated with the University Medical School. Walmart eye exams are fine for the basics and getting glasses prescriptions but I would never get the same level of care that I do from UT Health System and of course, lest I forget, their amazing RGV O.D.  I mean seriously she is amazing.  I hope the medi


 We all have our own versions of it.