Adapt Test

I had an adapt test today.  I’ve had it twice now due to having some eye drusen.  It’s not covered by medical insurance but the cost is reasonable.  It tests for AMD (age-related macular degeneration).  You were a VR like headset and the test is completely guided by an artificial intelligence called Thea.  Thea gives all the directions and is completely responsive to each person’s eyes and their input to the test via a hand remote.  This makes me think about how amazing medical care will become in the future with more advanced technologies like this.  In years past I used to get eye exams at the vision center at Walmart.  Now I go to the vision center associated with the University Medical School. Walmart eye exams are fine for the basics and getting glasses prescriptions but I would never get the same level of care that I do from UT Health System and of course, lest I forget, their amazing RGV O.D.  I mean seriously she is amazing.  I hope the medical school and UT Health treat her very well!  She is a real asset to to them.  I would be bummed if she left and so should UT Health RGV be.  I presently have no macular degeneration but if I ever develop it, it will be detected early.  After my tests, I was reminded of the importance of eating leafy greens and having a diet that is more rabbit and less Mexican. 😂 I really do need to work on the diet thing.


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