
Summer Time Parking & Cold Fronts

 In Connecticut:  Wow, it’s a hot one today.  The car is going to get so hot!  Driving around looking for a shady or somewhat shady parking spot.  It’s worth the extra time and effort.  We don’t want to bake when we have to get back into the car. In South Texas:  It’s over 100 degrees here today.  This is normal in the summer.  Park in any damn spot.  No one makes any special effort to look for or park in shady spots.  Upon returning to your car, jump right in and get the air conditioning going.  You will feel the cool air very shortly.  You will be fine.  It’s not a big deal at all.   But when a cold spell hits South Texas: OMG it’s less than 60 degrees!  We are going to freeze if we don’t bundle up properly.  We definitely need a warm jacket and boots and a hat and gloves.  And we also need to bring blankets so we can wrap them around ourselves if we have to be outside. 


 I was just thinking about Harambe the Gorilla.  Before he lived at the Cincinnati zoo, he had lived for 15 years at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville TX.  I’m sorry you had a really bad day Harambe.  🦍 💕


 I have always been a very nostalgic person, but it seems that even more so lately it has been my new thing.  I don’t think I can chalk it up to being a mid life thing because I am already beyond that point.  It’s just like I want to see things from the past with a new perspective and sense of appreciation.

Mr. Ed and Future People

 I was very young when I watched Mr. Ed so I really don’t remember any details about the show.  I feel like I would like to watch it again now.  I wonder if I would find it lame now, or if I would be able to appreciate it with a new perspective that I didn’t have when I young.  Thinking about old programs makes me think about the experience of people living maybe 500 or 1000 or even 2000 years from now.  They will (God Willing) be able to watch shows and movies from centuries or even millennia ago.  Imagine if we could watch programs and movies made by people centuries ago.  How cool would that be!!!

Identical Twins

 I see identical twins frequently when I am out at various places.  It really seems to me that the region that I live in has an above normal amount of identical twins.  Is this possible?  Maybe it is just because there are a lot of people where I live.

Film Cameras

 Ah, the days when the only cameras we had required film that had to be developed and then printed onto photo paper or slides.  I once, when my kids were young, held onto some rolls of film and never got around to sending them to be developed for well over a year even though I did really want to see my pictures.  I’m odd.  My mother has told me I get that from my father.  He will let his Christmas presents just sit around in their boxes for months even when the gift is something that he will eventually get around to making good use of.  We just take our time. 😲🫢 Back in the days of film cameras, we put our photos in photo albums and we didn’t store them on our telephones.  Imagine telling someone back in the 1970s that in the future they probably wouldn’t bother with making photo albums because they would just keep all their photos in their phones.  🤯 😂 That would have sounded really Looney Tunes.

Disney World & Baby Kicks

As a first time mother to be, I felt my baby’s first kicks in a “Magic of Disney” like tale.  We were at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida on a family vacation.  While in Tomorrowland and riding on my favorite attraction there, “The Carousel of Progress”, I had my first experience of feeling my daughter’s kicks.  Okay, to me it was something special. 💕 “The Carousel of Progress” was the prime Disney location to me. 😄 Yes I know, “The Carousel of Progress” is rather lame if you have previously seen it or if you are over the age of twelve. 😂 For me, though, it was about the experience of nostalgia and not just the content of the scenes.  If only my daughters birth could also have been a “Magic of Disney” experience instead of an absolute hell on earth experience.  

Red Flags

 If something really doesn’t sound right, don’t dismiss it and assume that no harm could really come of it.

My Cat

  My cat if I sit down.  “You will pet me if I have anything to say about it!” #keepyourclawsontheblanket

Apps Games

 If app games start flashing hints at me, it makes me not really want to play those games.  If I’m slow because I want to think, I don’t want or need hints flashed at me.  Hints should be an option that people can toggle off.  I have lots of other app game pet peeves but I will add them another time.


 Every time we think something is good enough, we have new ideas.

Remaining Young

Souls don’t grow old.  Only our bodies do. 

Flat Earth People

Flat Earth People have their right to develop and try out their own understanding of things, it is just unfortunate that their children will believe them.

Music & Animals

 Why is it that other species of animals can’t appreciate music in the way that humans do?  I’ve never seen a dog respond in any way to music.  Maybe I am wrong.  There are a lot of other species on the planet and in the ocean.  An interesting thing is that my dog who was very fearful of noises, never minded or cared when I would play music in my car.  She would just sit there and be perfectly calm and fine.

Advice To Younger Self

 I think one big piece of advice that I would give to my younger adult self would be, “You don’t need to understand everything.  Don’t waste time thinking that this is necessary.  Experience teaches us as we go along and our focus should be on what we are doing at that point in our lives.  There are always things to be learned from all of our experiences although I know how hard it is to not be able to follow your own interests.  The time for these things will come again.  For now, just dig in and do your best with what your life is about.  There are always things to be learned from the tasks at hand and you needn’t worry about all that you don’t know.  Just work with whatever is immediate and important and just do your best.  There are treasures for us where we don’t see them.”

Sesame Street

 Sesame Street had a mixed ethnicity neighborhood and encouraged diversity, acceptance and unity among people of all backgrounds and included the lives of puppets.  Thinking about this now I have a whole new appreciation for this children’s program that first aired in late 1969, and taught these lessons to children in the 1970s.


 I think if I was an author I would be the worst author ever.  People would read through a few of my entries and then be hard pressed to even remember what they had just read. 😂🤣😂

English Language & Linguistics

Not my specialty.  I have no desire to study or understand it academically in all its’ complexities.  I would rather just have fun with it.

Proper Lobster Rolls

 I was told that there is a restaurant here in the RGV that serves lobster rolls and they serve them with feta cheese covering the lobster. No, no that’s Blasphemy!!  But seriously if people find a taste for and enjoy their lobster rolls that way, then good for them.  Who says that one region holds the truth about how lobster rolls are best eaten.  It all depends on where you are from. I will stick with the New England versions.  Either made into a lobster salad with mayonnaise and small bits of celery or served on a toasted grilled bun covered with melted butter.  I personally will definitely pass on any lobster with cheese. 😲😂

Gollum from Lord Of The Rings

 I had to watch 6  3+ hour (extended version) movies of The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings and their endless battles scenes when all I wanted to see were the parts with Gollum (okay and also Bilbo Baggins, Mr. Frodo and Sam).  I was most intrigued by Gollum a.k.a. Sméagol though. 😂   I think he deserves his own movie that he stars in. 😄 I still haven’t finished the last part of the sixth movie. 😯  Okay the ending was really good!  Although I think I would have to watch all 6 movies again to fully understand it. 🫣 😲 I thought, though, that Gollum might get to become good Sméagol again.  I have never actually watched any of the Star Wars movies  either (I’m very late to the party), but I don’t think I will attempt this anytime soon.