Disney World & Baby Kicks

As a first time mother to be, I felt my baby’s first kicks in a “Magic of Disney” like tale.  We were at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida on a family vacation.  While in Tomorrowland and riding on my favorite attraction there, “The Carousel of Progress”, I had my first experience of feeling my daughter’s kicks.  Okay, to me it was something special. 💕 “The Carousel of Progress” was the prime Disney location to me. 😄

Yes I know, “The Carousel of Progress” is rather lame if you have previously seen it or if you are over the age of twelve. 😂 For me, though, it was about the experience of nostalgia and not just the content of the scenes. 

If only my daughters birth could also have been a “Magic of Disney” experience instead of an absolute hell on earth experience.  


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