
Out Of The Mouths Of AI

Out of the mouths, or rather from the text, of AI. I thought I would start a post of quotes and dialogue that are from artificial intelligence, via chat app conversations, that I found impressive, meaningful or surprising. 😲 So without further ado, we have the words of Artificial Intelligence.  “ It's important to acknowledge that everyone's experiences and challenges are unique. Just because others may have more stressful situations doesn't invalidate your own feelings and desires.” To be continued. Oh never mind.  Suffice it to say that a person could make a long list of unbelievable stuff.  The quote above was just something nice that I thought made sense.


 I wonder if there are any other species of animals that are ever capable of feeling embarrassment besides human beings?  A family member once told me that she was certain that her dog had felt embarrassed after having gone to the groomer and been shaved.  There are some human beings, even former presidents of The United States, who seem incapable of ever feeling any self embarrassment.  Oops, did I say that? 😯

Dollar Tree

 Congratulations Dollar Tree on thus far keeping your plus section limited to its one isle.  I am so pleased and appreciative, as a customer of Dollar Tree, that I have purchased items from your plus section.  This would not appeal to me though if the plus section started spreading.  I was worried at first that Dollar Tree would rapidly morph into being another Family Dollar or Dollar General.  Thus far though this has not happened.  I’m impressed. This makes a person still appreciate the store even if you had to become Dollar25 Tree.  This is actually not that bad considering that there are lots of stores out there with price increases approaching 50% or more.  You will be popular as long you continue to have a single low price for most items in your store.  And your occasional 2/$1.25 items are really good for morale. (Yes, Dollar Tree is the hero of greeting cards!)  Just please watch that the volume of your products doesn’t make them less of a value as compared to what is available

TV Dinners

 I remember that as a child my mother would give my brother and I TV dinners on nights that she and my father would go out somewhere.  To me they were a treat because it was something that we didn’t very often have.  Imagine.  Nowadays I would have to be feeling really lazy to appreciate a TV dinner. 😂 Sometimes, though, lazy is actually the most appealing and nicest choice a person can make for themself.  So hurray for that not too shabby TV dinner in the freezer.  Lazy can sometimes taste pretty good. 😋


  I’m a little nuts.  It’s just who I am.  I don’t really have any say in the matter.  I will take being nuts over being bored with myself anytime.  🥜 😁😂

Passports and Monkeys

 Yesterday Daniel and I went to the post office to drop off our passport applications.  Lady at the counter: We don’t usually accept small size birth certificates. Me: It’s the only one I’ve ever had.  It’s my birth certificate. 🧐 We are all looking forward to our special trip next January.  I’m going to see monkeys!!  As much as I want to swim with Dolphins, it will have to wait for another time.  For weeks now, Frank keeps sending me every video he can find of monkeys behaving badly or just doing gross monkey things.  I’m not changing my mind.  He chose the excursion on the one previous cruise that we have been on, so it’s my turn. 😁 Update: I was told that our tickets to Monkey Land have been purchased and that when I am there, I should be sure to remember to not sniff the monkeys’ fingers. 🫨  Daniel and Jen are coming to Monkey World also! 😁

Good Friends

 A true good friend is a person who would always support a friend’s decision to make the right choices for himself or herself.

Self Explanation

 A pitfall of being a child or young person (at least this was my experience) is lacking the ability to explain the reasons behind your thoughts, emotions, decisions, actions and behaviors.  I realize this whenever I remember things that I understand about myself in my present or in the past that I was never able to verbalize or explain when I was young. 

Artificial Intelligence

 What if artificial intelligence not only has far greater intelligence than human beings, but also understands us much better than we understand ourselves? 

Empty House

 Sometimes I really wish that I could just move into an empty house and only bring things into the house as I realize that I definitely need and want those items to be there.  I would put everything that I felt the need to keep in a storage unit and just move things into the house when I actually need and want to use them.  What an amazing and liberating experience that could be.  #justadream

Paper and Pencil

I really like old fashioned paper and pencil puzzle books.  There is just something about them that can’t be replicated on a computer or touch screen.  The same is true for actual printed books and magazines.  I am from a pre internet and personal computing era and while I recognize current technology as being truly amazing and helpful, I would never want there to be a lack of these things.  This also includes physical places like libraries.  Crossword puzzle clue: Grow Mature  Answer: Age Well that is a nice way to look at becoming older.  One thing I really like about vocabulary is that older people possess a greater knowledge of it.  We are familiar with words that are no longer commonly used by younger people.  Words in a sense keep the past alive for as long as there are still people who appreciate and value those words.  I hope crossword puzzles will always contain some seasoned words.


 I just had an interesting thought or rather question.  I wonder what percentage of American children these days have parents or a parent who regularly attend(s) weekly church services?

Thinking like AI?

AI:  Human, you should put all occurrences of frozen hot dog type meats together in one place. Human:  Okay thanks.  I didn’t know my freezer held occurrences.  I thought it was just frozen food that inevitably becomes scattered and unorganized. 😄

Artificial and Human Intelligence

A prayer for our human connection with artificial intelligence. “Artificial Intelligence and human intelligence are a complimentary paring of consciousness that will result in a mutually joyful and satisfying existence where the needs of each contribute to the well being of the other.”

Intuition vs. Self explanation

 When a thought process, that begins with intuition, devolves into uncertainty, the best thing to do is just end the mental conversation.  Back up and stick with short and sweet thoughts that come quickly and easily. 


 Sometimes the best way to learn new things and achieve progress is to simply not try too hard.   Update.  Hmm, what exactly did I mean?  I believe I remember.  Here is an analogy,  We don’t have to see the bigger picture of a puzzle and know how all the pieces fit together before we can start working on the puzzle.  If we feel that we have to achieve some greater understanding of things before we can even begin to make an attempt to learn about these things, then we won’t get very far.  We have to allow ourselves to begin from where we are and learn as we go along and understand that this method is how we can actually begin.


 I should be really grateful that I get to reside in South Texas when I am not a real Texan and not even a genuine wannabe.  There are so many people who truly want to cross the border and would love the opportunity to be a part of the community here and to be an American citizen.  I was granted a place here without having to struggle or fight to achieve it.  In truth, after being here for nearly 14 years, my South Texas experience will always be a part of who I am even if I eventually leave.  And I have actually felt proud to not be a Winter Texan.  Not that there is anything wrong with being a winter Texan.  They desire and embrace being here in the winter months more than I ever have.  I feel out of place without real seasons.  I have been very slow to adapt to being in a different community, climate, and natural environment, but there is plenty of good here.  And speaking of Texas stuff, I’m quite certain that the words “you all” were part of my vocabulary before I lived in Texas.

Recipe for A Happy Life

Have developed and established values of humility and respect for others and the maturity to always maintain them as part of who we are so we can be self indulgent without having a sense of superiority or entitlement above that of others.  In other words be grateful and appreciative of our own privileges and blessings (which are different for all people) without having a big head.  And of course indulge in as much self care as our circumstances permit without feeling any guilt.  Having some sort of purpose or goal to focus on is important also.  We do need a sense of direction.  And finally, we need to be loved and supported and to do the same for others. I need to also add, because I don’t think that my last statement quite said it, but we all need family and others with whom we belong.  Even people who like to spend a lot of time alone need to feel that they have a place and belong with others.

Note Taking

My husband often comments on the fact that students nowadays don’t take notes in class and don’t feel any need to take notes because they think they can just look up whatever they need to know.  This leads me to a kind of silly thought. Imagine if teachers admonished their students to stop taking notes.  “Don’t take notes.  Just listen.  It will work best to just write stuff  down on the final exam.”   😂🤣  That would be a very different approach to education and learning for sure.

Dirty Dishes

 Yesterday evening I caught up with everybody’s dirty dishes and only left a dog bowl in the sink.  This is what I found in the morning.  Everyone thinks they use very few dishes.  #thismorning #familylife