Passports and Monkeys

 Yesterday Daniel and I went to the post office to drop off our passport applications. 

Lady at the counter: We don’t usually accept small size birth certificates.

Me: It’s the only one I’ve ever had.  It’s my birth certificate. 🧐

We are all looking forward to our special trip next January.  I’m going to see monkeys!!  As much as I want to swim with Dolphins, it will have to wait for another time.  For weeks now, Frank keeps sending me every video he can find of monkeys behaving badly or just doing gross monkey things.  I’m not changing my mind.  He chose the excursion on the one previous cruise that we have been on, so it’s my turn. 😁

Update: I was told that our tickets to Monkey Land have been purchased and that when I am there, I should be sure to remember to not sniff the monkeys’ fingers. 🫨  Daniel and Jen are coming to Monkey World also! 😁


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