I should be really grateful that I get to reside in South Texas when I am not a real Texan and not even a genuine wannabe. There are so many people who truly want to cross the border and would love the opportunity to be a part of the community here and to be an American citizen. I was granted a place here without having to struggle or fight to achieve it. In truth, after being here for nearly 14 years, my South Texas experience will always be a part of who I am even if I eventually leave. And I have actually felt proud to not be a Winter Texan. Not that there is anything wrong with being a winter Texan. They desire and embrace being here in the winter months more than I ever have. I feel out of place without real seasons. I have been very slow to adapt to being in a different community, climate, and natural environment, but there is plenty of good here. And speaking of Texas stuff, I’m quite certain that the words “you all” were part of my vocabulary before I lived in Texas. When I’m told otherwise, you all don’t know what you’re talking about. There is a you’all gray area though. I guess this is why I stand accused of being a Texan (or not) whenever I use the words “you all”. So what the heck, I may as well just go with y’all. 😂 It has a fun ring to it. And I’m still a New Englander living in Texas.
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