Easter Eve

Today is Easter Eve. I don’t think I have ever heard the day between Good Friday and Easter called Easter Eve. Did I just make that up? Why shouldn’t Easter get an Eve along with Christmas and New Year’s Day? This from a non-religious person who doesn’t really celebrate the real Christian meaning of Easter. We all find our path one way or another. Oh dear, I apologize if that sounded totally sacrilegious. 😬 I did find myself thinking of Jesus yesterday. My son actually made a comment that nowadays a lot of people are about being spiritual as opposed to practicing a religion. This is definitely me. I do respect religions and their beliefs, just not when they claim exclusivity in having the only true and correct doctrines and beliefs. So after doing a google search, I have now learned, in the year of our Lord 2024, that there is a Holy Saturday. It is true, though, that people don’t typically refer to the Saturday be...