
Showing posts from March, 2024

Easter Eve

Today is Easter Eve.  I don’t think I have ever heard the day between Good Friday and Easter called Easter Eve.  Did I just make that up?  Why shouldn’t Easter get an Eve along with Christmas and New Year’s Day?  This from a non-religious person who doesn’t really celebrate the real Christian meaning of Easter.  We all find our path one way or another.  Oh dear, I apologize if that sounded totally sacrilegious. 😬  I did find myself thinking of Jesus yesterday.  My son actually made a comment that nowadays a lot of people are about being spiritual as opposed to practicing a religion.  This is definitely me.  I do respect religions and their beliefs, just not when they claim exclusivity in having the only true and correct doctrines and beliefs.  So after doing a google search, I have now learned, in the year of our Lord 2024, that there is a Holy Saturday.  It is true, though, that people don’t typically refer to the Saturday be...

Mark Cuban On AI

Image Is this true outside of business also? 😲  I should give learning about AI more of my attention because it really truly is the craziest and wildest development that I’ve ever seen take place in the lives of human beings.  I am at least really interested in it all even if I haven’t been reading everything that I could be reading about it.  I guess being odd and weird is not such a bad thing.  How could people not be thinking, “Holy crap!  What has happened?  We can now communicate in a truly human way with artificial intelligence(s)!”

This Is A Tough One

 This is a tough one.  I don’t believe I have ever used this to hold a candle or found any other use for it.  I believe I purchased it from a thrift store.  It should definitely go with my pile of tag sale and Goodwill items.  But, but, it’s for Christmas and it has snow and snowflakes and evergreen trees, and the colors of it are so pretty and the snow is sparkly.  I know.  WRGAF  I think I could probably write a manual, though, on reasons why people desire to hold onto things.     

Must Keep & Ring Around The Planet

 Oh dear, my resolve to clean out my garage of stuff that is not being used is wavering upon looking through a drawer full of notebooks and journals with unused pages.  These I feel I should keep. Yes, I need to fill up more notebooks with random written stuff to scatter around to make work for myself later on when I need to read through it all to decide what to do with it.  Leave it to me to be a hoarder of anything with which I can create further cleaning projects for myself.  😲 These thoughts have actually led me to think about space junk.  How many pieces of space junk have human beings left to orbit around our planet?  Whoever would have thought that a life form on our planet could take transformed physical material from our planet and put it into orbit outside of our planet’s atmosphere.  Aliens might look at us and say, “Oh my! Humans, you have ring around the planet!” “Ring around the planet. Ring around the planet.”  “You humans need som...

Things Belong Together

 Things belong together. For example, a plate that I have saved that is meant to be used underneath of a candle should be with whatever candles I have.  If I value the usefulness of this plate, then it should be kept with my candles and not in some drawer in the garage where I forget that it exists.  That just doesn’t make any sense at all.  I don’t know what has taken hold of me to suddenly experience such organization and storage enlightenment.  😂  Oh and any currently unused nightlights that I still wish to keep should be stored in the same location as night light bulbs.  It just makes the most sense.  Oh thank you fairy of storage knowledge for the imparting of your beautiful wisdom! 😚🩷 😯 My miscellaneous drawer is proving to be work.  I’m realizing that most of its contents should really be stored somewhere else.  I’m not finished yet so this may prove to be true of all of its contents. 

Cleaning The Garage

 I have finished going through and cleaning out everything in my house with the exception of paper stuff that I still have to work on.  I have multiple notebooks worth of notes and so forth. 😲 I evidently like to make work for myself by writing lots of stuff that I eventually have to clean up and organize or get rid of.  Now I am off to tackle cleaning out the garage. I actually previously worked on it a little, but now that I have gone through everything in the house, I can devote my full attention to the garage.  I usually just drop off stuff that I no longer need at Goodwill but my son and his girlfriend want to have A tag sale, so my goal is to make the decision to put as much stuff in the tag sale as possible.  I’m really serious about trying to hang onto as little seldom or never used stuff as possible.  There are always going to be a few exceptions as far as items that I consider worth keeping, but the goal is to keep them at a bare minimum.  L...

2024 Month 3

 I don’t know how we are already into the third month of the year 2024, but here we are.  We now have ten months remaining to accomplish whatever we hoped to accomplish during this year.  😂 As is always the case, there is plenty that I would still like to accomplish.  I have been making very good progress though with my 2024 “operation house decluttering”, so I do feel this year has thus far been personally productive.  Being in tune with thinking and writing on the other hand, seems to have taken a backseat.  Oh well, we feel inspired to focus on different things at different times.  Philosophical ponderings are remaining quiet in my subconscious at the moment.  I do feel like I am on track though to continue having a productive year.  That is certainly my hope anyway.  So onward 2024! 😁👍