Things Belong Together

 Things belong together. For example, a plate that I have saved that is meant to be used underneath of a candle should be with whatever candles I have.  If I value the usefulness of this plate, then it should be kept with my candles and not in some drawer in the garage where I forget that it exists.  That just doesn’t make any sense at all.  I don’t know what has taken hold of me to suddenly experience such organization and storage enlightenment.  ðŸ˜‚  Oh and any currently unused nightlights that I still wish to keep should be stored in the same location as night light bulbs.  It just makes the most sense.  Oh thank you fairy of storage knowledge for the imparting of your beautiful wisdom! 😚🩷

😯 My miscellaneous drawer is proving to be work.  I’m realizing that most of its contents should really be stored somewhere else.  I’m not finished yet so this may prove to be true of all of its contents. 


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