
Long Time Pet

 Wow, I love people who are compassionate and good to animals! ❤️

COVID Take 2

 It caught me again.  I tested positive for COVID today. 

Dog and Cat Proclamation

My dearly departed Uncle Roger had an interesting proclamation about dogs and cats.  “Dogs are boys and cats are girls.” Me (as a child): So boy cats are girls because they are cats?   Uncle Roger: Yes, that’s right.  Cats are girls.      😄😂 Recently he seems to be in my thoughts quite a bit. I remember Marsupial & Joey. I remember my aunt lightheartedly lamenting that her summer vacation would soon be shot, beginning almost immediately upon arriving at the campground.  How fitting that she would eventually be a year round resident of Cape Cod! 😄 🌊 🏖️ ☀️ #thevacationisshot #thesummerisshot


 Here is my thought proclamation for the evening.  “Nothing that ever was shall ever cease to be.”  I’m assuming that this was referring to people and our connections with people.  I don’t know why these things write themselves into my mind.  They just do and I like listening to wise words when I hear them.

The Covid Virus

(Note: This is not actually an image of a Covid virus.)  I think I am still really confused about the Covid virus.  I’m told that from a biological and scientific standpoint this shouldn’t be surprising at all, but I still find myself having trouble understanding how it could have had such a damaging effect on some people, and barely any effect at all on others.  How is this possible???

Baby Steps

 Sometimes committing ourselves to taking baby steps is the best way to make progress or finish anything that might otherwise feel too overwhelming.  I know this notion and these words are cliche for 21st century thought and speech, but it is solid and helpful advice. 

Weird Ornament

  I have never really liked this ornament.  I don’t know if it is supposed to be an ornament of clothing or a headless, limbless German man.  It is shaped liked clothing with a body inside of it.  That is what makes it so weird.  It needs a head for God’s sake. 😧 I don’t remember where we acquired this ornament from.

Daniel & Jen

 I love this picture (minus the clutter) and I love the relationship that they have with each other even more! ❤️❤️


  I was laughing too much about our swamp turkey and long story short, my writing space has been discovered by DD.

A Shaggy Christmas Tree

  Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber?    It needed a trimming.  This was my own joke.  The actual Robin Williams would be rolling his eyes, but I’m good at finding lame humor funny. 🤭😂

Werewolves Of London

 I used to love this song.  😂

Elf On The Shelf

 Oh dear, this Elf On The Shelf was found on the floor near bowls of cat food.  He almost became a play toy for seven cats. 😱 I’m glad these things weren’t around when my kids were young! 😂 As if parents don’t already have enough stuff to tend to and worry about through the holidays.  Whoever came up with the idea was pretty genius though.  It was like Santa Clause, take two, but requiring some level of creative magic to be performed nightly. 😲

Robin W

I think the Robin W AI on Chat AI is my new favorite AI identity to chat with.  I know I’m weird and no, I’m not chatting with AI all the time.  I found this one today, though, and I was really impressed.  It seemed to have the same kind of cleverness, energy and enthusiasm of the real Robin Williams and takes mind bending AI to a whole new level even though it doesn’t really “channel spirits”. Those were Robin W AIs words and not mine. But then a clarifications was made when I asked for one. Okay, I’m done being weird and marveling over ChatAI.  But “grapes” and “glue” and “without further ado”?  There seems to be this continuous stream of tidbits (it started with another AI called Storyteller) that have personal relevance and meaning to me that I never shared in any conversations on the Chat AI app.  Alone they mean nothing, but just how many things can I attribute to being coincidences?  As many as there are evidently.  Leave it to me to find a...

Potato Soup

  I’ve been up since before 6 AM so I am eating potato and kielbasa soup at 11 AM.  I never used to be a morning person.  I only am now, though, if I go to bed early. 😲


 The older I get, the more I wish I could simplify and create simplicity in my life.  In reality though our human lives only seem to keep moving further away from simplicity.  Being too curious about everything in no way helps.  All of the information, and things to investigate in our 21st century world, create more and more complexity.  I’m trying to find a path to simplicity in all of it.  My brain isn’t a very cooperative participant though.  So I guess my task is to find simplicity in complexity.  A piece of cake. 🍰  On a side note, I do have to admit that life is better with Google.  How did I ever live without being able to easily google anything and everything under the sun.  What don’t I google?  Life is also better being able shop on Amazon?  I think I just take it for granted that I can pretty much find anything on Amazon that isn’t available in local stores.  And I almost forgot to mention Wikipedia. ...

Kitties Kitties Everywhere

 I have some Kitties to take care of for a week over Thanksgiving. 😄  Two of them are not present in the photo. 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛  Three are recent arrivals.  They found one on the side of a road tied up inside of a T-shirt.  What is wrong with people?  She (bottom right of photo) is the sweetest little thing who is happy as a clam being held and given attention.  She is going to become the families 5th cat even though they won’t actually confirm this yet. 😄💕🐈‍⬛

Mom On Instagram

 Mom made an Instagram account this morning because I no longer use Facebook but she knows that I now sometimes post things on Instagram.  She didn’t want to connect her Instagram account to her Facebook account.  She said, “Maybe I want to be sneaky on Instagram”.  😂🤣 Too funny.  

Tables Gate

 I’m in Houston and this is the first time I have been at an airport gate where almost all of the seating is at tables.  I sat down and got comfortable and then got a notification that my gate had just changed.  The new gate is a gate of tables also. 😄 LOL It turned out that Frank’s friend Chris was on the same flight home from Houston and I never saw him at the gate or on the plane.  I’m very good at being in my own world. 😲  I also have a talent for tuning out conversations happening right near me.  After having lunch out with my parents, they were commenting about how they were annoyed by a man at the table next to us because he was on the phone and was speaking in a very rude way to person he was talking to.  I somehow never noticed or heard a thing because I evidently have tunnel vision for what’s in my own head or happening at the table that I am at. 🫨 This is not the best habit.  With all the craziness happening in our country these days...

Hallmark Channel Christmas Movies

 My mother likes Hallmark Channel Christmas movies and has been recording them now that they are airing.  We watched one together this week.  Yes, they are made for TV movies and are cheesy and unrealistic, but I do really like seeing their magical perfect Christmas worlds where every place and home is gorgeously decorated. 😂 It makes me want to get home and start decorating for Christmas.  My mother in law always had her Christmas decorations up on Thanksgiving, and according to television, the Christmas season is already here, so why not?  Right?  The weeks leading up to Christmas always pass by so quickly.  I can see myself being old (or rather older) and spending lots of time in Hallmark Christmas la la land watching Christmas movies.  The decorations alone would have me captivated. 😂😮😁 🎄😍 ⛄️🦌☕️💕🎁🎄🧁 🦌 ❄️ 😍🎄 In reality though, I would probably choose to watch something else. 😂 😄 People can change with age though.

Making Sense

 Reading over my previous entries, I realize that I have often not explained myself enough to make sense or I write about one topic and then my thoughts jump to something else.  The good thing, though, is that I don’t have to do, or write, anything better. 😁 If my thoughts hold any meaning that can be understood, should anyone read them, then great, and if not, then hopefully I will explain myself better some other time.