

 As a middle aged adult I became very interested in genealogy.  This was in fact how I learned that I had Revolutionary War ancestors which led to me applying to and becoming a member of The Daughter Of The American Revolution.  I have always been a person who values extended family relationships and I wanted to learn everything that I could about my family histories and even who my living relatives are.  A while back I decided that I wanted to leave Facebook for a number of reasons.  I realized that if I deleted my account, I would be deleting about 13 years worth of stuff that I had written and posted, so I just deactivated my account.  I know that only certain people ever become interested in genealogy, but if Facebook sticks around for the long term, there will be huge amounts of information about deceased people in their Facebook accounts.  The same is true for all the other social media sites that people use.  If my ancestors had had social media accounts that I could view and re

Brain Exercise

 I value brain exercise and I want to keep mine in shape.  I actually prioritize it over my body.  I’m sure though that sooner or later my body is going to say, “Hey, we need a little more of your time and attention here! We need something better than a ham and cheese sandwich with chips and cookies for lunch.”  Etc.  In some regards, I’m not very good at being proactive.


What was that other thought?   We get more forgetful as we age but I have also always been this way.  How many times do I put things on my mental to do next list and then after completing one thing forget what I had in mind to do next probably because in the meantime I have thought of 10 other things? How many times do I march into a room and then forget why I went there, probably because I have seen other things that grabbed my attention?   It’s a good thing that my brain is pretty good at pulling lost thoughts back.  At least enough of the time.

Number 8 and Infinity Symbol

 My mind has become obsessed with these and I have no idea why.  When lost in thought, I find myself myself mentally tracing the infinity symbol or unconsciously (then consciously) moving my thumb, hand or fingers in this manner.  It’s just another neurological thing I guess.   #atypical #handfingertroubles

Help and Hindrance

 There is often a trade off between the two.

Yellow Pages

 “Let our fingers do the walking it’s a snap.”  Someday there will be people, or rather there probably already are people, who have no idea what Yellow Pages are.  

Hidden Figures

 I’m still watching the movie “Hidden Figures” but it’s an amazing movie.  I take back what I said about rocket scientists.  I only wish that I had that kind of mind and in particular like the minds of the hidden figures.  If I say that I don’t need to be a rocket scientist it is because I couldn’t be a rocket scientist.  People just have to accept their limits and not have a bad attitude about it.  I didn’t really have a bad attitude, but I know that legions of women have dealt with this for just trying to reach their potential.  Also, it crazy to think that things were still so bad for African Americans as late as the 1960s.  I know that things are still far from perfect, but thank goodness for progress!


 Sometimes I have too many stories to write about all at once but hopefully they will stick around in my brain and come back to me.

Sweet Water Fruit

  I was eating some watermelon and was reminded of a story that my uncle told to me when I was young.  It was about a chimpanzee or gorilla (I forget which) using its’ known signs to create its’ own phrase to describe something.  The ape was given or shown watermelon and through its’ own use of sign language, it described it in signs as “Sweet Water Fruit”.  I thought that was a very cool story.

Humor and Laughter

 I love hearing it in others and experiencing it for myself.  Laughter is the best medicine. Side note: I hope I’m not in trouble for borrowing any images.  I know everybody does it and I’m not trying to sell anything.   And what is that thing about graven images?  The thought just popped into my mind.  My knowledge and understanding of religious terminology is really poor.  I guess I should google it sometime.  I am curious what exactly it means. 

The Bible & Spirituality

The Bible is an enigma to me.  People think it’s the greatest thing and hold it near and dear to their hearts.  I tried to read or rather listen to it once and I found myself disgusted.  Yes, I started with the Old Testament but the Old Testament has always been maintained as part of the Bible.  Some people use the Bible’s words for manipulation and control.  And can you, for example, imagine being a gay person and having devout religious people tell you that you are a sinner and that you are sinning against God.  “Love the sinner. Hate the sin.”  Horse shit.  If people don’t accept others, who are good and decent people, just for being who they are, they are not loving them or showing them love.  People argue about whether or not the Bible should be cherry picked.  From the little that I have read, I think this is unavoidable.  But it needs to be cherry picked for its’ lessons about love and acceptance and not as a means of manipulating and controlling others.  I wish there was an edi

Different Purposes

 We all have our own purposes and they may be different from those of others. 

People Don’t Change

 We can’t change other people.  But they can change themselves if they want to. We can change ourselves if we want to.  It’s a self motivated thing.


 Scammers are out there on social media and they have all kinds of tricks including pretending to be people they are not.  I have seen it happen and fortunately it smelled like a really bad idea to me, and buying into it was not something that I would have risked.  Be wary and don’t put your money into the pockets of scammers.  Better safe than sorry.  It’s natural to be curious about things, but also be cautious.

Self Criticism and Kindness

 It’s an all too natural human thing.  For those of us who aren’t narcissistic anyway.  We can be our own worst critics.  We scrutinize ourselves more than other people ever would.  Part of it is our humility which is a good thing.  If we didn’t possess self scrutiny then we could become very egotistical and lose our humility.  When feeling self critical, though, it is important to remember that good and kind people love us and others for who we are.  Good people focus on the good qualities of others and aren’t looking to pick others apart.  The good qualities that we see in others inspire us and are a roll model to us for who we would like to be ourselves.  In truth most people are focused on their own self scrutiny and not on scrutiny of others.  The humanness that we find in others can only make us feel better about our own humanness.  We are all only human.  Yes, the world has its haters and angry people who need targets and sometimes we have to run into them.  They don’t see thoug

Quiet Place Of No Distraction

One reason that I like having my own space here to just think and write about things is that it keeps me off of social media.  There is nothing distracting here.  There is no over abundance of other attention capturing content.  Just my own thoughts.  I still find myself sometimes watching some Instagram videos but I’m happier to have my attention sucked into my own quiet space.

Frank and Cindy

  No this isn’t about Frank my husband and his ex girlfriend Cindy. LOL I was just thinking about the movie “Frank and Cindy”.  I thought it was a really good movie.  I need to watch the actual documentary sometime.  It is about Frank and Cindy from the one hit wonder band OXO and her son who was the creator of the documentary.  All lives have their stories.

Toddler Me

It will take a long time for the next half century+6 years to pass by.  When you have lived that length of time though, it is remarkable how easily that amount of time came to pass. Imagine if we all could relive our lives with the foresight of what we have acquired in hindsight.         “Do you wish we were back at the Milk of Magnesia store?” Only my brother would understand that. 😂                         

Mistake about Frank McCourt Jr.

 In another entry, I mistakenly made the assumption that Frank McCourt Jr., the successful businessman and billionaire, was the son of Frank McCourt author of Angela’s Ashes.  I jumped to this conclusion because Frank McCourt Jr. popped up when I was trying to google search Frank McCourt the author.  I shouldn’t have jumped to this conclusion considering how many people typically share any given name.  It’s too bad though.  It would have been one hell of a story if Angela from “Angela’s Ashes” had a grand child who became a billionaire! Frank McCourt the author had one daughter.  

Biscoff Cookies and Airlines

  What is the deal with Biscoff cookies and airlines?  Whether you fly United or American Airlines, and I believe some others like Lufthansa, the in flight snack served seems to always be Biscoff cookies.  If the flight isn’t a really short one, we are then treated to a choice of Biscoff cookies or pretzels.  The Biscoff cookies seem ever present though.  There is a story there about airlines and Biscoff cookies, but who the hell knows what it is. Maybe the government gives them to the airlines free of charge because they contain some kind of medical technology that will alter our DNA and make us all compliant and controllable.  Maybe they are a second plan of attack for the people who refused to get COVID vaccinations.  Just kidding. 🫢 I find crazy conspiracy stuff to be really annoying.  The very prevalent distribution of Biscoff cookies by airlines is a bit odd though.