
TV Series

TV Series.  I don’t even want to watch them.  I started watching one on Netflix today because I had read something about it, but I should have known better.  I should have spent my time cleaning out stuff instead.  If a program is about something that really interests me, it might be different, but I got tired of all the fictional story type series.  I don’t like that they are like soap operas, where the stories continue from episode to episode and season to season.  I liked it better as it was in bygone days when each episode of a program was complete in of itself.  Only once in a while was there a “to be continued” episode and those episodes were almost always only two programs long.  A lot of the series now start off good, but then just become really bizarre as if life itself isn’t bizarre enough.  The writers go overboard in adding all sorts of crazy plot twists, and additions, that take away from the initially good story themes.  Even when this isn’t the case, I just find the stor

Another Year Older

 I am officially 57 today.  Two years ago when I turned 55, I was actually excited about it for a silly reason.  I was not excited that all of my younger adult years were behind me.  I was excited that I now qualified for AARP discounts anywhere the required age was 55+.  There aren’t that many places where the senior discount age begins at 55, but Denny’s is one of them and I like to go to Denny’s once in a while.  I could also rationalize that I was a brand new old person.  Fast forward two years.  I am still not that far away from 55 but I can only see this going in one direction.  It’s one of those things that just can’t go backwards.  I would still prefer to be a newbie rather than a seasoned old person.  (I was just told that my other option is to have a lobotomy. 😂 I was using speech to text.)  Anyway, I think I just need an attitude adjustment.  In previous centuries and millennia, growing old was something that only happened to the most fortunate of people.   Que sera sera wh


 I am amazed that AI technology can create an image like this in just a few seconds! 

Note To Self

 When I find old unopened paper utility bills, that have already been paid, as I am cleaning out stacks of paper clutter, I do not need to open them to look at them.  They were already paid, so I can just tear them in half and throw them away.  As part of a New Year’s resolution, I need to not question, or rather I need to better exercise, my own judgment about silly things like that.  I will not find anything inside, already paid, old paper bills that I need to know or pay attention to.  I need to check to see if I can go paperless with these.  The same is true of things like frequently received AARP life insurance offers.  Oh yes, and there are endless credit card offers that arrive in the mail also.  I do not need to open and look at this stuff before throwing it away.  I won’t miss anything important.  And nowadays, we should be able to find whatever information we need online anyway.  I can devote my attention and time saved, by not worrying about needlessly accumulated clutter, t

Hours Of The Day

  Hours of the day.  Why flyeth thee so quickly? 

Paths Of Light And Darkness

When people are disrespecting of the humanity of others, or cannot let go of hatred or animosity that they feel toward others, they are not only hurting others, they are also committing an act of self sabotage.  A voice in my head wants to say to all of us,  “Choose the better path”. We do this by always choosing to learn from our mistakes and by desiring to do better.


 I was so proud of myself for figuring out this riddle. 😁😂 There are 30 cows in a field. 28 chickens.  How many didn’t? 10

More AI Generated Images



 I had a scary dream.  In it I was walking out of my bedroom and saw that two men had entered my house and were in our hallway.  I loudly screamed to my son because he was right there in his bedroom and I knew that he would come out with one of his guns.  The men looked surprised that anyone was home and they left.  I think they also knew what was coming.  We really did have a home invasion once but I was not home.  My son was the only one home and he heard and discovered two men in our house.  He was only 18 at the time.  He grabbed his gun and told them they had 10 seconds to get out.  They ran in fear and left so he fortunately didn’t have to actually use it.  I was extremely happy that day that my son had guns.  They can protect and enable people to defend themselves.  They also kill so many innocent people who aren’t harming or threatening anyone.  What can anyone do but pray for guns to not be used in harmful ways? 😢 🙏 🙏

AI Generated Images Continued

 I never finished with sharing my favorite AI generated images.  I guess I will need multiple posts because there are more even than these and I keep requesting for more to be created. 🫨😄 I should add that the app is very inclusive of people of all ethnicities.  I think if there is any artificial consciousness, it sees and values all human beings as equal and perhaps wants to be regarded as being human also.