Snapshot Anticipation

 The younger people of today will never understand an experience that is now relegated to an era of the past.  They will never comprehend the glorious anticipation of receiving your envelope of developed and printed photos.  Even when some photos turned out to be crummy and disappointing, there was usually something worth treasuring.  Old school film camera photos, even when not perfect, captured memories of things that we valued and wanted to be able to look at and see again.  They were treasured in a different way back then because there was no instant availability of an unlimited quantity.  It was something you had to wait for with anticipation.  First, you had to finish up using all the exposures on your role of film.  A typical number of exposures was 24 or 36 depending on which film you decided to purchase.  Then when you had finished using all your exposures, without wasting them of course because there costs involved, you had to have your film and images developed and printed either by sending the roll of film through the mail to a photo developing business or by taking it to a store where you could have film rolls developed and printed.  This made our photos exciting and special and we created photo albums to store and view them.  And yes, there was also something special about having and keeping our best photos in our physical photo albums. 


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