Never Again

 The world sunk to a very low place during the time of World War II and Nazi Germany.  I would like to believe that this kind of mentality and state of political affairs will never again come to pass in a nation built on the ideals of democracy.  I know that I would be naive and stupid to not understand that terrible situations have continued to take place in countries around the world ever since the time of World War II.  This is the first time in my lifetime though that I am experiencing seeing things move in such alarming and concerning directions so close to home.  This is the first time that I am experiencing the vulnerability of my own country that is supposed to be a world leader and powerful nation of freedom, democracy and opportunity.  Germany survived its Hitler and Nazi era and went on to become a good country once again.  America should also find its way through any period of confusion and backsliding.  I would like to believe though that things could never again deteriorate so far into such terrible and inhumane circumstances as what took place in Germany in the World War II era.  Not in the United States Of America in the 21st century.  I would like to believe that Americans in the year 2025 are more enlightened and mindful of the experiences and lessons of history.  I would like to believe that the American people will hold onto a commitment of being a nation of freedom, equality and decency, and opportunity for all.  I know what side I am on and I want to always be reminded and influenced by the intelligence and wisdom of people who espouse these values.  I hope that our country as a whole will want do the same.  I suppose it is inevitable that any and all nations, no matter how powerful, will experience times of confusion and having their own laws, ideals and foundations tested.  I guess the important thing is for a nation and its people to hold onto and never let go of belief in their own highest morals and values even during times when things are backsliding and moving in unfortunate directions. ❤️πŸ€πŸ’™ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 


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