We’ve got nations committing serious and violent acts of aggression against other nations including civilian locations. This is the thought that my contemplations about drones was interrupted by. And it is like our whole world is being hit with a tsunami of chaos. And I’m reminded again that people in other nations are actually living the stories and lives that I hear as world news. And I know how lucky I am to be living a privileged life as an American.
And I will turn my attention back to the drones because they are another crazy development and thing taking place in the United States of America which is my home and where I reside.
And now for a more whimsical thought tale. Mr. Trump is mister grinch. He is just whitish/yellow instead of being green. I wonder if there is any possibility that he could become a real world transformed grinch whose heart begins to grow in size. With the level of crazy that seems to be afflicting our planet globally, I wouldn’t put anything beyond being a possibility.
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