I would much rather look at memes than try to talk to people that I don’t know, whom I have nothing in common with. 😝 I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

I do believe that life is more fun when one retains the heart of a kitten. Always be kitten like.

Why don’t all cans now have pull tabs? I really appreciate the companies that make and use pull tab cans! 👍

Kitty cat why don’t you first try making a smaller carrot disappear. Just a suggestion.

Ha ha, not quite but it can be addictive at times,

When there is no longer such a thing as time when there aren’t things that need to be done and taken care of.

Moms of young children at the end of their work day. Even when fathers help, they still have more freedom in most cases. #thesecondshift

When I’m in a funny kind of state.
?? But I have always been intrigued by time travel stories.
This is why I don’t care much for series unless they are about something that I really care about. For me, it is usually sleep that gets sacrificed.
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