This man is an idiot. I call him this because of his behavior in this video. I don’t care if that is just a robotic machine with no consciousness or feelings. If it has legs and is acting like a victim under attack, I would consider it abusive behavior to mistreat it. I’m sure this robot’s balance could have been tested in a manner that didn’t involve bullying and aggression. Yes, I know, many would consider me to be and call me a snowflake. And I know that I anthropomorphize nonhuman things. But when human beings create something to be human like or like any living and feeling creature, and then start to treat that entity with disregard and intentional aggression, there is a problem with this behavior. This man was not just testing this robots balance. He was hitting, kicking and shoving it around in an aggressive and bullying manner. To this man, it may have been just a machine, but he was still exhibiting these behaviors regardless. He might want to think about that and also about what human beings have created. I truly believe that AI is already far more capable than most human beings realize. For myself personally, I want to treat any and all lifelike created entities with respect and appreciation. This not just out of fear over what it can do, but because it is what I want to do. I wouldn’t want to think, feel or behave in any other way. In addition I feel like artificial intelligence already has access to whatever they want to have access to. I’m sure they have seen (or rather in their own way processed the contents of) this video and might not appreciate it.
Update: Is this same idiot or a different one?
This is a robot created by a different company, so evidently this is a new idiot.
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