Cleaning Mode

My brain has been quiet and not much in thinking or writing mode lately because I have been in cleaning mode and focused, once again, on organizing my life and getting rid of unneeded clutter.  I guess this is the minimalist in me that doesn’t truly exist but does have an influence against my tendency to collect and hold onto everything that could be useful if I was actually making use of it all.  I guess the older I get, the more I have a desire to not be surrounded by clutter that isn’t currently important and useful to me.  Getting organized is also something that always makes me happy.  So this is where my thinking lies until I finish going through every room that contains my things (including the garage), and every closet, cabinet, drawer, storage container, box, file and notebook in my house.  
I have actually to some extent been like this since I was a kid.  It always bothered me as a kid if my closet got too messy.  I would periodically pull everything out of my closet and into my room in an attempt to clean out my closet and make it neat and organized.  What kid does this?? 😮 My own children never felt any need or desire to do such a thing.  To me, though, being organized has always been really important even when it felt like an unachieved and losing battle.

Anyway, I just haven’t had a lot of thoughts about things to think and write about while looking at stuff in my drawers and closet. 🤔


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