Censorship Irony

For some reason, the thought of censorship popped into my mind.  I found myself reflecting back to the Donald Trump presidency, and then a worldwide pandemic on top of that, with an online proliferation of misinformation and conspiracy theories, and other craziness such as QAnon, and somehow my thoughts landed on censorship.  And this is the thought insight that popped into my head.  People oppose censorship, but in reality, the greater the absence of censorship, the greater will become the need for the existence censorship.  I don’t mean to be making any statement about who or what should or shouldn’t be censored, but just that I have the insight that ultimately censorship is necessary when there is a need to stop the sharing and spreading of harmful information.  To make a biological comparison, it is like the necessity of having an immune system to heal and protect a body from sickness.  

Makes me wonder.  Do we choose and author all of our thoughts or do we also just listen to hear our thoughts.  I have no idea why I felt compelled to write something about censorship, but I had this insight about how its opposition, if successful, would come to understand the necessity of its existence. 

My interpretation of this photo.  As with water, information can need filtration and purification to remove contaminants that would be harmful to our health and collective wellbeing. 


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