New Year’s Goal

I know what my goal for the new year is and I should actually start before the new year.  I need to get rid of and donate a lot of stuff that I don’t use and don’t need to keep.  I did a thorough job of this in 2018 before we moved that summer but I need to do it again.  I always find that when time passes I am willing to let go of a lot stuff that I previously felt the need to hold onto.  With four of us living in a very modest sized home, our storage spaces are filled up!  There will only be three of us before too long but this job still needs to be done again.  A minimalist I am not, but I really do like the idea of keeping things simple.  Even my darn phone is a mess.  I guess this would be called a digital mess. 🫤 And forget about email.  I have tried to unsubscribe from lots of stuff and even once managed to get my inbox emptied but no matter what, it eventually still fills up with new emails by the thousands. 🤦‍♀️ I know that we all deal with this or ignore it and just have thousands of emails in our inboxes.😧


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