Sorry For My Lack Of Attention

  I’m very sorry for all the terrible things that happen in the world even when I allow myself to be wrapped up in my own little bubble of life and I don’t pay enough attention to the news stories like the ones about all the people who recently died in the earthquake and then the flooding disaster.  I am sorry for not giving it all more of my attention and thought.  It’s just that I don’t have any control over these things and I can’t do anything about them so I just keep on going about living my own life.  But I can take a little more pause to pay attention to and at least give some heartfelt thought to the people affected.  I desire to be an empathetic person so I want to be reminded that it is always important to not be deaf to things that should be heard and empathized with, even if this just means pausing to listen and not just ignoring it all.  I’m thankful for these kind of reminders from whatever sources I may receive them.


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