Spam and Maps

 We all came to know in the late 20th and 21st centuries that spam is unwanted and unsolicited digital mail delivered to our email accounts.  Back in the day, unsolicited and unwanted mail used to be called junk mail.  Yes, spam is also called junk mail, but I am referring to the kind of junk mail that had physical form and had to be delivered to a physical mailbox.  This kind of junk mail does, of course, still exist but it used to be the only form of junk mail that existed.  This kind of junk mail was not also called spam.  If anyone actually needs this information, it would mean that they are very young. 😂 Sometimes when I think about it, I can’t imagine what it would be like to never have existed in a pre internet and pre World Wide Web world.  This, after all, was the story and existence of humanity for thousands and thousands of years prior to 1994.  

On a side not, spam is a semordnilap of maps.  I never would have been able to easily discover and find that word without the internet and web.  And speaking of maps, a few years back I got ride of (donated) my atlas maps because they had seemingly become obsolete and I never used them anymore.  I am going to purchase a United States map atlas again though because if for some reason something went wrong with our modern technology or I could not access it, I would not know how to get to other areas of the country.  Not that such a scenario is likely to happen, but I think it’s a good idea to have a physical guide to the physical world.  Printed maps should never be regarded as obsolete.  

On another side or backtracked note, semordnilaps are words that when spelled backwards make completely different words.  I like maps, but I am not a fan of Spam.  There is currently a can of it in my house that I did not purchase or wish to eat.  I guess this means that to me Spam is spam food.  I would appreciate Spam though if we found ourselves without electricity or any means to preserve perishable food.  So edible spam and paper maps do both share an indispensable value in common.  They could both be very helpful in unexpected and challenging circumstances.

#spam #maps

Update: Frank cooked me a breakfast that included a slice of his Spam.  I would like to report that sliced thinly and pan fried and browned, it was not that bad. #rectangularbreakfast


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