Loaded Topics

 Why are some topics loaded?  Because sometimes differing viewpoints need to both be allowed to exist.  The trick is that both sides need to be tolerant and not critical of the other for seeing different things.  Sometimes realities actually overlap and both sides have valid points that are applicable to them.  The catch is that mutual tolerance must be granted for there to be peace.

I am not of course referring to victimization.  The is rarely any valid or excusable reason for willfully and knowingly victimizing another person or people.  (An exception would include having been drafted to fight in a war because willfulness cannot in fact exist when there is no freedom of choice.)  No victim owes any tolerance to an abuser for having victimized them.  Forgiving and releasing hurt and resentment is something that can only be done if a victim is ready for this and if it is the right thing for them.  A victim owes nothing to their abuser.

We all have a need and right to disagree and argue against others when it necessary to stand up for and protect victims.  We don’t owe tolerance to anyone when we are witnessing them doing harm to others who are experiencing and feeling the effects of this harm.


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