Kings & Queens

 I have often wondered what it would actually feel like to be a king or queen.  Would one have a sense of insecurity from knowing that they are regarded and revered as being special and unique in a lofty way and yet personally not feeling that there is any real reason for this distinction?  Or would a person feel that it is their birthright as a royal family member and that they are indeed something special and deserving of this distinction?  I suppose it would depend a lot on the individual.  And could it be possible to have a mixture of those feelings?  But which would be predominant?  Would a king or queen have a sense of pride in being the monarch despite any private “Why me?” feelings?  Would feelings of pride and all the other perks compensate for all the lack of freedom and privacy that the job entails?   Would it feel like a fortunate and pride filled privilege to be a monarch or other senior royal family member?  Or is there any possibility that they might personally feel that being royal sucks and that they would much rather be a commoner with a common life?

What would it really feel like to grow up and have the experience of being your country’s queen?!!  I can’t wrap my head around that life experience and few people ever can.



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