8 Billion People

 I just had the thought that if any of us could actually know the life stories of all of the 8 billion people currently living on the planet, it would be really shocking and really put things into a more proper perspective.  We would all still want to have our own well being and security in life, but it would most likely leave us with a much greater need to reach out in any way that we can to help others.  Lack of true awareness is what hinders human beings from doing everything in their power to be of assistance to others.  Human beings actually have a natural desire to help one another.  Look what happens in the case of natural disasters.  When there is true awareness of need all around, people rush to help each other.  It enlightens them.

I honestly think that human beings are in fact moving forward as fast as a species as we can.  I disagree with naysayers.  Just as human beings mature throughout the course of our lifetimes, so do human beings continue to gain in our evolving awareness and intelligence and that necessarily includes emotional intelligence.  Compassion and empathy are in fact the most intelligent choice for a species to make for themselves.  The collective of our species is not interested in self sabotage and part of that requires the cherishing of each individual.  Humanity is too intelligent to not ultimately choose what is best for us all.  Emotional intelligence will prevail! 

I don’t know why I think the things I do.  I just do.


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