The Twins Project

The twins πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸ» πŸ‘Ό project is a long story but here are some reflections, from my personal experience, of the process and its’ culmination.  The pregnancy, of course, is its’ own chapter in the story.  I was once asked what I would share with someone contemplating being a surrogate mother.  Mine was a gestational surrogacy which means that I carried but had no genetic connection to the babies.  There are many parts to the experience but here are some brief reflections from the 22 year old experience that seemed really important to me tonight.  This is a short version, spanning many years, of my thoughts.

 A pregnancy is supposed to be followed by the significance of being a mother and playing an important part in the new life.  When you are a surrogate there is nothing that changes or continues within your own life following the climax of the birth.  So even if you are thrilled to be giving this gift of babies and parenthood to the parents, you are still going to be left with a void in your own experience, after the birth.  I believe there are women who don’t ever feel this way, but it was a reality of the experience for me.  Nonetheless, if I was asked if I regret the experience, I would say no, definitively not.  Though the whole experience was a challenge for a lot longer than 9 months, I don’t have any lingering difficult or negative feelings. It added much to who I am.  Our experiences give us depth and understanding about ourselves and the nature of existence.  And a beautiful set of twins were born!!!  There is nothing more amazing and beautiful than a tiny new life.  And yet, the adorableness is multiplied with a pair of babies.  They really were little miracles that had a lot of hands involved in their successful arrival.  My part is my anecdotal experience that can’t be replicated in any laboratory or experiment, but is mine nonetheless.  The twins journey to life is a unique story with some amazing pieces!  There were a lot of storytellers involved.  There are parts of the story that I alone hold knowledge of.  Or perhaps not, because I do believe that there were unseen hands involved.


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