Love and Logic

 Love supersedes logic.  When human beings make assessments about other people’s worthiness of love and understanding based on their own logical or emotional evaluations, they have entered the realm of judgment.  At the same time, no one should feel coerced or obligated to feel empathy and love for someone who has harmed them or others.  No one should, or can be, guilted or coerced into having feelings that they are not ready or willing to feel.  We can disagree and even be upset with others for their behavior and actions, but the important thing is to not nurture any contempt for others in our hearts.  This can be a tough balancing act when people hurt others, but it is to our own benefit as well as that of others.  Logic is important in guiding our appreciation and understanding of what moral and good behavior is, but in the end it is love (in its’ purest form) that will guide our way.


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